About us
NYU-ASCE was founded in 1921 as the American Society of Civil Engineers Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn Student Chapter and has fostered the professional and technical development of aspiring civil engineers within the institution for 97 years and counting. Today, NYU-ASCE strives to achieve the same goal: to foster young talented professionals and encourage excellence in their respective fields. In addition to this, NYU-ASCE aims to prepare our members for entry into a career in civil engineering.
For the 2022-2023 academic year, it is in NYU-ASCE’s interest to pursue the following goals:
● Develop a long term and lasting relationship with our company sponsors.
● Continue to strive for recognition from ASCE and excel in chapter activities.
● Create close relationships between industry professionals, professors, and peers.
● Recruit and actively engage new members.
● Increase collaboration with professional organizations such as the National Society of Black
Engineers (NSBE), the Construction Management Association of America (CMAA), the New York
Water and Environmental Association (NYWEA), the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE),
the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE), Chi Epsilon Civil Engineering Honors
Society (XE), Tau Beta Pi Engineering Honors Society (TBP), and the Earthquake Engineering
Research Institute student chapter (EERI).
● Collaborate with other student chapters in the metropolitan region.
● Introduce community service projects to encourage greater member involvement.
● Provide our members with networking opportunities, workshops, seminars and other activities
focused on career and professional development.
Field Trips and Facility Tours: NYU-ASCE exposes its members to the professional environment by providing field trips and company tours to sites such as Newtown Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant and with visits to working shops like the Sure Iron Works Steel shop. Many similar opportunities are being organized for the upcoming school year.
Professional Development Workshops/Lectures: NYU-ASCE organizes workshops covering an array of skills and topics, including career experiences and licensure that inspire and motivate members and provide them with valuable industry insight. We host networking workshops, resume and cover letter workshops, interviewing skills workshops, and guest and alumni speaker panels with members from SEAoNY and more. These events also provide sponsors an opportunity to form a closer relationship with our students and share their knowledge and expertise.
Community Service: NYU-ASCE will organize community service projects with local parks and organizations to create lasting relationships with the neighboring community. Community service also gives NYU-ASCE the chance to collaborate with other student chapters to create a bigger impact.
Social Events: NYU-ASCE plans various social events to promote a peer collaboration and encourage greater involvement in other ASCE projects and initiatives. NYU-ASCE collaborates with other professional organizations on campus in organizing and executing events such as game nights, study breaks, and our annual Alumni BBQ.
2022-2023 NYU ASCE Company Funding Proposal:
[gview file=”https://bpb-us-e1.wpmucdn.com/wp.nyu.edu/dist/d/3625/files/2023/03/ASCE-Company-Proposal-2022-23-Updated-2.pdf”]