Μες στη βροχή/ In the Rain



Sophia Richman painting, Upper Montclair, NJ. 12/29/2021 Photo by Steve Hockstein/HarvardStudio.com


Μες στη βροχή, τη νύχτα αργά, περπατούν
αυτοί που μουσική πουλούν,
φορούν φτωχά καπέλα σταχτιά,
στα χέρια τα βιολιά
σαν τα νεκρά παιδιά.

Μες στο σταθμό, καμιά φορά, σταματούν
μακριά στο πουθενά κοιτούν,
γι’ αυτούς τα τρένα δεν ξεκινούν
και πάνε κατά κει
που κλαίει η μουσική.


In the rain, late at night,

those who sell music walk,

they wear cheap grey hats,

violins in their hands

like dead children.

Sometimes, at the station,

they stop and stare at nothing.

Trains don’t set off for them

and they go to there

where music weeps.


-translation by Gail Holst-Warhaft

Lina Orfanos is an internationally acclaimed vocalist who has recorded three albums based on the music of Mikis Theodorakis. Her most recent album is Lyriká. It is scheduled for release in Fall 2022. Sophia Richman is an NYU Postdoc clinical consultant and an internationally acclaimed writer and  painter. Among other things, Spyros D Orfanos is a music producer.