Reveries and Riddles

Velleda Ceccoli and Spyros D Orfanos



Welcome to the inaugural postings of Reveries and Riddles!

The NYU Postdoc community is a thriving and creative group, and often the numerous activities of the members of our community remain unknown to many of us. With that in mind we are putting together a “blogspace” for our community to contribute original work, with the intent of showcasing those of us inclined to write and think about current events, psychoanalytic ideas, books, music, poetry, dance and any and all things that make our lives meaningful.

Our culture of psychoanalytic learning is dedicated to provocative, reasoned debate, reflection, and action all housed in a university that pursues academic and creative freedom. From its beginnings, NYU Postdoc emphasized pluralism, dialogue, and unique expressiveness. This blogspace is offering another opportunity for the expressiveness of the members of our community. Like those in the arts and science, we believe that creative expression is, above all, an act of freedom. 

What is probably most meaningful all over the world in the present moment are the virus pandemic and the pandemic of anxiety. The long-term health, economic and geopolitical consequences are unknown. To this end, we underscore the era of COVID 19 with six contributions representing six decades of Postdoc’s history ranging from retired faculty to a first-year candidate. There are images and writings here that are fascinating and against forgetting.  We are grateful to our contributors for taking a creative and psychoanalytically principled stance in a time of crisis. On this first May Day of our new decade perhaps originality is needed most of all.  





Spyros Orfanos, PhD, ABPP – Director, New York University Postdoctoral Program in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis; Fellow, American Psychological Association; Past president of the International Association of Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy (IARPP), the Division of Psychoanalysis (39) of the American Psychological Association, and the Academy of Psychoanalysis of the American Board of Professional Psychology. He maintains an independent practice in New York City, New York.



Photo credit: Avgi Saketopoulou, PhD