
Here is a sample of different research projects currently underway in the NMR/EPR groups. For more details please contact the respective groups. 

Study of nuclear spin singlet states and relaxation processes. 

Figure illustrating chemical shift anisotropy tensors for tetrabenzyl pyrophosphate

Particle size-effects on ferroelectric surface structure and dynamicsFerroelectrics

Solid-state NMR methodology to study structure and dynamics 

Solid-state NMR methodology to study structure and dynamics

Optically induced spin polarization studied via trEPROptically induced spin polarization studied via trEPR

Solid-state NMR of solar cell devices

Mechanisms of transport and design of inhibitors

Mechanisms of transport and design of inhibitors

In-vivo MRI methodology

MRI imaging methodology

Theory, Simulation, and Methodology

graphical commutator

rf penetration

Rechargeable battery and electrochemical devices research with in-situ NMR and MRI

battery research figures

Receptor tyrosine kinase structure, dynamics, and function

Receptor tyrosine kinase structure, dynamics, and function

Quantum cognition, the role of nuclear spins in physiology

quantum cognition figure