There are lots of ways for you to get help if you are struggling with this course. You are encouraged to ask questions in class. You can also reach out to your instructor and teaching assistants directly through e-mail or during office hours.
Take advantage of the class community. Get to know your classmates and form study groups.
The key thing is to be proactive. This course moves quickly so don’t wait until shortly before an examination to seek out extra support.
The Math Department offers free tutoring for the foundational math courses. The schedule can be found here:
The University Learning Center (ULC) also provides free tutoring for a selection of math courses. More information can be found here: . They offer:
If you do not have the technology or services needed to learn and study, please contact your advisor and the Office of Student Success at
If you require additional accommodations as determined by Moses Center for Student Accessibility, please let Moses Center contact your instructor as soon as possible.