NYU Cities Collaborative, along with NYU’s Institute for Public Knowledge, is pleased to announce the fall 2021 lineup for our Race, Capital and the City series. We invite you to join our esteemed guest speakers as we explore various topics that shape our city landscapes – both in America and abroad. This series will feature interdisciplinary lectures, ranging Latinx communities in modern cities, links between housing and financial networks, and neoliberalism in New York City.  Following discussions, attendees will have Q&A opportunities with our guest speakers.

Please stay tuned for additional speaker announcements and Zoom registrations.

October 15, 11 AM | Register Here

Pedro Regalado, Harvard University, Work and the Built Environment in Latinx Gotham. For more information, please view our event page here.

October 21, 5 PM | Register Here

Sophie L. Gonick, Gwendolyn Wright, Michael Goldman, Vicente Rubio-Pueyo. NYU, Dispossession and Dissent: Immigrants and the Struggle for Housing in Madrid. For more information, please view our event page here.

October 25, 11:30 AM | Register Here

Destin Jenkins, Stanford University, The Bonds of Inequality: Debt and the Making of the American City (in collaboration with NYU Urban Initiative)

November 12, 11 AM | Register Here

Benjamin Holtzmann, Lehman College, CUNY, The Long Crisis: New York City and the Path to Neoliberalism. For more information, please view our event page here.

About Our Speakers

Pedro A. Regalado is a Junior Fellow of the Society of Fellows at Harvard University. Beginning July 2022, he will be Assistant Professor of History at Stanford University. Regalado researches the history of race, immigration, planning, and capitalism in urban America. His book project, Latinx Gotham: Work and the Modern City, examines the history of New York City’s Latinx residents and their efforts to transform city space, politics, and economy.

Regalado has been awarded the Michael Katz Award for Best Dissertation from the Urban History Association. He was also a finalist for the Ralph Gabriel Henry Prize for Best Dissertation from the American Studies Association. Regalado’s work has been featured in the The Journal of Urban History, Boston Review, The Washington Post, and The Chronicle of Higher Education. Born in the Dominican Republic, he was raised in New York City’s Washington Heights. 

Sophie L. Gonick is Assistant Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at NYU with an emphasis on Global Urban Humanities. A scholar of urban planning and history, poverty, and race and gender, Gonick was educated at Harvard and the University of California, Berkeley, where she earned both a Master’s in City Planning (2010) and a Ph.D. (2015). Before joining SCA, she was an Assistant Professor/Faculty Fellow at NYU’s Center for European and Mediterranean Studies.

Gwendolyn Wright is an architectural historian, author, and co-host of the PBS television series History Detectives. She is a professor of architecture at Columbia University, also holding appointments in both its departments of history and art history. Besides “History Detectives”, Dr. Wright’s specialties are US architectural history and urban history from after the Civil War to the present. She also writes about the exchange across national boundaries of architectural styles, influences, and techniques, particularly examining the colonial and neo-colonial attributes of both modernism and historic preservation.

Michael Goldman is Associate Professor of Sociology and Global Studies at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.  Author of Imperial Nature: The World Bank and Struggles for Social Justice in the Age of Globalization and editor of Privatizing Nature: Political Struggles for the Global Commons, he is finishing a book manuscript on “Cities under Financialization” and co-editing one on the “Social Lives of Land.”  Goldman was recently awarded the endowed Dr. V.K.R.V. Rao Chair Professor at the Institute for Social and Economic Change in Bengaluru, India, and has received awards including the McKnight Presidential Fellowship at the University of Minnesota, Agrarian Studies at Yale, Ciriacy-Wantrup at UC-Berkeley, NSF research grant, and a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellowship.

Vicente Rubio-Pueyo teaches as Adjunct Instructor at Fordham University Modern Languages Department. PhD in Contemporary Spanish Cultural Studies from SUNY Stony Brook. Rubio-Pueyo is currently working on a book manuscript on political cultures in Contemporary Spain. A Spaniard living in the US since 2006, his research, writing and political participation have always been oriented towards a “political translation” of sorts, by helping to build resonances and mutual understanding between movements and organizations in the US, Spain, Latin America and Europe, from Occupy and 15M to Podemos and Municipalism. He is a member of Minim Municipalist Observatory and Instituto de Estudios Culturales y Cambio Social (Spain). His writings both on Spanish and US politics have been published by Public Books, InTheseTimes, CTXT, El Salto and Rosa-Luxemburg Stiftung, among others.

Thomas J. Sugrue is Silver Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis and History and Director of the Cities Collaborative at New York University. He is the author of four books, including the prizewinning, Origins of the Urban Crisis, and editor of four others, most recently Immigration and Metropolitan Revitalization (2017) and Neoliberal Cities (2020). He has contributed to the New York Times, the Wall Street JournalNational Geographic, the Washington Post, the London Review of BooksThe New Yorker, The Nation, and Salon.  He is a frequent commentator on modern American history, politics, civil rights, and urban policy. Sugrue has given nearly 400 public lectures throughout the United States and Canada, as well as in Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Asia.


Destin Jenkins is Assistant Professor of History at Stanford. He will be speaking in our series in collaboration with the NYU Urban Initiative and Urban Research Seminar. His work bridges the fields of economic, urban, and political history, and focuses on capitalism, democracy, and social movements in the United States during the long twentieth century. He is the author of The Bonds of Inequality: Debt and the Making of the American City (University of Chicago Press, 2021). The book re-situates the history of urban development in postwar San Francisco in the financing networks that underwrote the construction of the built environment. Its major argument is that racial inequalities in the ‘City by the Bay’ were critically tied to these financial arrangements and that these, as much or more than local political dynamics, were central in determining the distribution of resources within the city. 

Benjamin Holtzman is an Assistant Professor of History at Lehman College at CUNY. His research interests include the intersection of political and social history in the United States, with particular focus on politics, capitalism, race and class, cities, and social movements. His research has been supported by fellowships from the Mellon Foundation, the Miller Center at the University of Virginia, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

His first book, The Long Crisis: New York City and the Path to Neoliberalism, is out now from Oxford University Press. It uses the sweeping transformation of post-1960s New York City to trace how market-oriented policies have come to proliferate across American life over the past five decades. His research has appeared in Modern American History, the Journal of Social History, the Journal of Urban History, and several edited collections. He is currently working on hi second book, “Smash the Klan: Fighting the White Power Movement in the Late Twentieth Century.”

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