Further Readings and References

“Menus. What’s on the menu?” New York Public Library Labs. Accessed on August 9, 2022. http://menus.nypl.org/menus
NYPL’s extensive menu collection

Reiss, Aaron, Ye, Jenny. “A Road by Any Other Name.” This American Life. August 4, 2017. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/622/who-you-gonna-call/act-two-0
A Chinese woman who helps immigrants navigate different groups of Chinese immigrants, different Chinese maps with different street names

“Video: Chinese American History, Asian American Experiences.” Mellon Foundation. Originally streamed on May 19, 2022. Accessed on August 9, 2022. https://mellon.org/news-blog/articles/join-us-chinese-american-history-asian-american-experiences/ 
A discussion on Chinese American history

Ling, Lisa, Smith, David Shadrack, Cho Helen, producers. Take Out with Lisa Ling. Season 1, episode 2, “Lisa’s Story.” January, 2022, on HBO Max.  https://www.hbomax.com/series/urn:hbo:series:GYdN9VQZruMMbwwEAAAAY 
A Californian Chinese family story

Pinsker, Joe. “The Future is Expensive Chinese Food.” The Atlantic. June 13, 2016 https://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2016/07/the-future-is-expensive-chinese-food/491015/ 
Brief introduction of Krishnendu Ray’s The Ethnic Restaurateur examining business  and socio-economic status

Spicy Village. Directed by Jia Li. 2021; New York City: HiLo Production,2021. Short Film. https://vimeo.com/517384740
A short documentary about a family-owned New York City Chinese restaurant during the pandemic

Lee, Julia H. Interracial Encounters : Reciprocal Representations in African and Asian American Literatures, 1896-1937. New York University Press, 2011. 
Exploring the interlinked connected in African Americans and Asian Americans literature and history challenging popular narratives that state otherwise

Finesurrey, Samuel. “Immigration and Migration Script Spring 2022.” AMST 103: Introduction to Social Justice – Immigration. CUNY Academic Commons. Accessed November 20, 2022. https://socialjustice.commons.gc.cuny.edu/oral-history-project/ 

Lee, Micheal. “The Surprising Origins of the Fortune Cookie.” HISTORY, February 11, 2021. https://www.history.com/news/fortune-cookies-invented-chinese-japanese

Plaut, Joshua. “Why Do Jewish People Eat Chinese Food On Christmas?” Interview by Robert Siegel, All Things Considered, NPR, December 25, 2017. http://www.npr.org/2017/04/19/524618639/from-f-bomb-to-photobomb-how-the-dictionary-keeps-up-with-english.

“Oral History Collections.” Brooklyn Historical Society. Accessed June 29, 2023. https://oralhistory.brooklynhistory.org/ 

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