Category: Reading Responses (Page 8 of 8)

Documentary Film Screening September 29th

Please join us for the History Department’s new Documentary Film Series, a chance for students and faculty to watch and discuss documentary films together and think about the intersections of historical scholarship, art, and public history.

Waltz With Bashir film poster imageOur first film will be Waltz With Bashir, Ari Folman’s groundbreaking 2008 documentary that uses animation to explore issues of trauma, memory, and brutality of the 1982 war between Israel and Lebanon. The screening will take place at 3:30pm in the King Juan Carlos of Spain Center (53 Washington Square South), room 701. We’ll provide the popcorn.

Mark your calendars now for the other fall dates in the series: Friday October 27th and Friday November 17th, both at 3:30 pm in KJCC 701. 

John Bence Alumni Profile


John Bence

A 2011 graduate from the program, John Bence now works as University Archivist in the Stewart A. Rose Manuscript and Rare Book Library at Emory University. Read about what John has been up to since graduation and his favorite memories from his time in New York here !

NYU Resources

New York University was founded in 1831 and enrolls over 40,000 students at 6 different locations in Manhattan and in countries around the world. 

The NYU Department of History is a vibrant scholarly community that offers graduate courses in a broad array of subfields, including social, cultural, intellectual, environmental, legal, transnational, and comparative history. The department hosts frequent guest speakers, in addition to ongoing workshops that allow students and faculty to present and discuss historical scholarship-in-progress.  

NYU has an enthusiastic and growing Digital Humanities community that brings together students and faculty working on a variety of projects in digital scholarship and humanities outreach. The university offers practical and technical support for student digital and media projects via classes and one-on-one guidance through Digital Scholarship Services, Digital Studio, and Data Services.

NYU’s Center for the Humanities presents a range of public programs each semester on humanities topics and themes.

The NYU Libraries provide students with access to extensive printed, archival, and digital collections. The University Archives, Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives, and Fales Library & Special Collections provide opportunities for both research and part-time employment to Archives and Public History students.


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