Category: General (Page 13 of 22)

Hester Goodwin’s Internship Thoughts

Hester Goodwin, who recently graduated from the program with a concentration in public history, wrote an interesting post to the Students and New Archives Professionals blog concerning her experience with internships. I think it provides useful and thoughtful advice for those of you who are trying to balance school, part-time work, and unpaid internships, and here is the link:

Just a reminder, if any of you want to contribute your thoughts on this (or any other) topic — or to highlight publications or other recent accomplishments, please feel free to post.


NY Philharmonic Digital Archives Releases New Material

Join an international online discussion of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra’s International Era 10:30 am (EDT), Thursday, March 22.  Using original source material from the Philharmonic’s Digital Archives, scholars around the world will discuss the Philharmonic’s role in key events from 1943 to 1970.

I am interning at the Philharmonic Archives this term to learn about digital archives.  My work thus far, and that of my colleagues there, has been leading up to this important next step in the first phase of digitizing the Archives.

So join the discussion in Google Hangout on the 22nd.  It promises to be educational and informative in many ways.


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