Category: Fellowships (Page 4 of 5)

Paul H. Mattingly Awards: March 22 Deadline


I am very pleased to announce that the NYU Department of History will once again be offering the Paul H. Mattingly Awards, which are designed to support research and professional development for M.A. students in the Archives/Public History (APH) Program. The awards honor Professor Paul H. Mattingly, who shaped and directed the public history program until his retirement in 2007. We will be granting several awards of $500 each this spring. Eligible projects include the following
activities, in priority order: 1) Presentations that have been accepted at professional conferences; 2) Research projects that are intended to result in conference papers, published works, or other professional presentations 3) Attendance at professional conferences. We will also provide special
consideration for applicants who have good projects but have not received any awards in past semesters.

All current students in the APH program are invited to submit proposals. Each proposal should include a brief description (1-2 pages) of the project, a proposed budget, an updated vitae, and any relevant supporting documentation (e.g., correspondence indicating that your presentation has been accepted at a conference). The deadline for submitting applications is March 22, and you may e-mail proposals directly to me at: Upon completion of your project, you
will be asked to submit a brief final report and contribute something the the “” blog. Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017

2009 SAA Mosaic and Gerald Ham Scholarships


Contact: Nancy Beaumont, Executive Director

312.606.0722 or

January 2010

Mosaic and F. Gerald Ham Scholarships Available

Financial assistance for graduate education in archival science

CHICAGO—The Society of American Archivists (SAA) will award up to two Mosaic Scholarships and two
F. Gerald Ham Scholarships in 2010 to students pursuing graduate education in archival science. Both scholarships provide financial support and encourage students to pursue a career as an archivist.

In its second year, the Mosaic Scholarship grants $5,000 in financial support to minority students, while promoting diversification of the American archives profession and the American historical record. It will be awarded to selected applicants who demonstrate potential for scholastic and personal achievement and who manifest a commitment both to the archives profession and to advancing diversity concerns within it. Awardees will also receive a one-year membership in SAA and complimentary registration to the Archives*Records/DC 2010: the Joint Annual Meeting of the Council of State Archivists, the National Association of Government Archives and Records Administrators, and SAA.

The F. Gerald Ham Scholarship offers $7,500 in financial support to graduate students in their second year of archival studies at a U.S. university. Selection criteria include the applicant’s past performance in her or his graduate program in archival studies as well as faculty members’ assessment of the student’s prospects for contributing to the archives profession.

“The Mosaic and F. Gerald Ham Scholarships both foster the growth of the archival profession,” said SAA President Peter Gottlieb.

For more information on eligibility requirements and application procedures, visit The application deadline is February 28, 2010.

The 2009 Mosaic Scholarship recipients were Janet Ceja of the University of Pittsburgh and Harrison W. Inefuku of the University of British Columbia. Andy Jonathan Uhrich of New York University won the F. Gerald Ham Scholarship in 2009.

The Society of American Archivists is a Chicago-based national professional organization representing more than 5,500 individual and institutional members. Founded in 1936, its mission is to serve the education and information needs of its members and to provide leadership to ensure the identification, preservation, and use of the nation’s historical record.

Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017

Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Travel Award

Subject: Call for applications — Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Award
From: “Burk, Brenda L.”
Date: Sun, 13 Dec 2009 18:05:01 -0500
X-Message-Number: 1

Do you need financial assistance to attend SAA’s Annual Meeting in Washington, DC from August 10-15, 2010? Apply for the 2010 Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Award! The award includes up to $1,000 in support of registration, travel, and accommodation expenses associated with the SAA conference. The deadline to apply is February 28, 2010.
Donald Peterson Student Scholarship Award
Purpose and Criteria for Selection:
Established in 2005, this award supports students and recent graduates from graduate archival programs within North America to attend SAA’s Annual Meeting. The goal of the scholarship is to stimulate greater participation in the activities of the Association by students and recent graduates. This participation must include either a presentation of research during the Annual Meeting or active participation in an SAA-sponsored committee, section, or roundtable.
Awarded to an SAA member in good standing who is currently enrolled in an archival education program or who graduated from an archival education program in the previous calendar year. Applications are evaluated based on the merits of the applicant’s essay and letters of recommendation.
Sponsor and Funding:
The Society of American Archivists, in honor of Donald Peterson (1908-1999), New York lawyer and philatelist, whose deep appreciation of world history and preservation developed early through his stamp collecting and held true throughout his life.
Up to $1,000 in support of registration, travel, and accommodation expenses associated with the SAA Annual Meeting.
First Awarded:
Application Form and Documentation:
Submit three copies of the following to the address on the application form:
1. A 500-word essay describing the applicant’s career goals and potential impact on the archival profession.
2. Unofficial transcript to verify student status or copy of graduate diploma.
3. Two letters of recommendation from individuals having definite knowledge of the applicant’s qualifications.
4. Application form at

Application Deadline:
February 28, 2010


Please contact Peterson Student Scholarship Selection Subcommittee Chair, Colleen McFarland at with any questions.


Brenda L. Burk, Philanthropic Studies Archivist
IUPUI University Library
755 West Michigan Street
Indianapolis, IN 46202
Direct Line: 317.278.2329
Archives Reference: 317.274.0464

Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017

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