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Asian/Pacific/American Institute — Call for Volunteers Fror Arts Documentation Project

Call for Archives & Public History Student Volunteers

Dear fellow classmates,

On Sunday, October 4th, the Asian/Pacific/American (A/P/A) Institute will be hosting the reunion of Basement Workshop, an Asian American arts and resource center based in New York Chinatown from the 1970s through the 1980s. Many Asian American artists and activists passed through Basement and were profoundly influenced by their time in it before moving on to do other things inside and outside the Asian American Movement. When the organization disbanded in the ’80s, documentation about its activities became scattered among the possessions of various individuals as they went their separate ways and no central archive was created that collected this material and history. The purpose of the reunion is to bring people together, encourage them to share the documentation that they’ve held onto, and bring these individual pieces together to finally form a Basement Workshop archive. The event will include an oral history collecting component and kiosks for digitizing and scanning doc
umentation brought in by members, along with other yet-to-be-formulated activities designed to actively engage members in the documentation creating and gathering process. There will also be great food and entertainment, such as readings and storytelling workshops, performances from artists whose music created the soundtrack for the Movement in the 1970s, and an exhibit featuring what members are currently doing. It promises to be a fun and meaningful event but it also requires more staff than what A/P/A has right now to make it happen. It would be great to have your help! I think it will be a great learning experience on the practice of archives and public history on the ground as it relates to a specific community still maintaining strong emotional attachment to and debates about the memory of this organization. If you are interested in volunteering for the event and in learning more, email me at Thank you for all of your support!


Y.H. Nancy Ng Tam
Graduate Scholar in A/PA Archives

Asian/Pacific/American Institute
New York University
41-51 East 11th Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10003


Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017

Reminder: SAA Student Chapter Planning Meeting this MONDAY

Attention all new and returning students:

This fall marks the kickoff semester for the NYU Student Chapter of the Society of American Archivists (SAA). NYU's SAA student chapter will take the lead in planning brown bag lunches, bringing scholars and working professionals to campus, collecting resources and connecting alumni with current students. Since we will be doing a lot of events and programming it should be great for archives and public students alike to get involved.

If you are interested in helping to organize events and activities please attend our first officers meeting September 14. All current and returning students are welcome to attend and participate.

Monday, September 14
3:45-4:30 pm
King Juan Carlos Lobby (by the elevators)
Please email Keara with any questions or ideas:

Reminder: NY-ART Student Get Together this THURSDAY at NYU- Free Pizza

Archivists Round Table
Student Get-Together

Are you an archives student in the greater
Metropolitan area?  The Archivists Round Table of Metropolitan
NY (ART) invites you to join us for free pizza, soda, and fun this fall. 
You will meet students from other graduate programs, have the opportunity
to speak with ART Board members, and learn about ART programming and
mentoring.  Come find out what ART is about and what it can offer
you! Come by for a few minutes or the whole time.

Co-Sponsored by the Archives and Public
History Program at NYU.

Date: Thursday, September 17th,

Time:   6:30 – 7:45

7:45 – 8:30 Discussion of ART Programming

Location: King Juan Carlos I Center
at New York University, 53

Washington Square South ( 

Directions: Subway: A, C, E, B,
D, F, or V to West Fourth Street-Washington Square. Walk east on West
Fourth Street until you reach Washington Square; 1 or 2 to Christopher
Street-Sheridan Square.  Walk east on Christopher Street to West Fourth
Street. Continue east to Washington Square.

Cost: FREE 

RSVP: To ART student member Lisa
Lopez by Monday, September 14th, 2009.  Please email:

Any questions or concerns regarding this
event can be directed to

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