You might be interested in some of these, which include travel awards and “new professional” awards.


The Call for Awards for 2011 has been issued. All award nominations, with the exception of the NCPH Book Award, are due by December 1, 2010. The Book Award nominations are due by November 1. More information about all awards is available at The following are links to and desc-riptions of the individual awards. Please review and familiarize yourself with the criteria for your award.

*Excellence in Consulting Award–Up to two $300 awards recognize outstanding work and contributions by consultants or contractors.
*Outstanding Public History Project Award– One $1,000 prize recognizing a project that contributes to a broader public reflection and appreciation of the past or that serves as a model of professional public history practice.
*Graduate Student Travel Award–Five travel grants of up to $300 each for graduate students presenting (session or poster session) at the 2011 Annual Meeting in Pensacola, Florida.
*NCPH Book Award–One $1,000 award for the best book about or growing out of public history published within the previous two calendar years (2009 and 2010).
*New Professional Award–Two $500 travel grants to encourage new professionals, practicing public history for no more than three years, to attend the 2011 Annual Meeting in Pensacola, Florida.
*Student Project Award–One $500 travel grant to attend the 2011 Annual Meeting recognizes the contributions of student work to the field of public history.
*G. Wesley Johnson Award–One $750 award for the best article in The Public Historian for the 2010 calendar year. **Nominations are not accepted for this award. All articles from the 2010 calendar year will be considered.**
*Michael C. Robinson Prize for Historical Analysis–One $500 cash award rewarding historical studies that contribute directly to the formation of public policy.


Nominees are directed to send a copy of their submissions to each member of the committee for the award for which they are applying and a copy to me at the NCPH Executive Office. (Award committee contact information may be found at The NCPH Executive Office will maintain a webpage listing all awards received at The password to view this page is: awardspensacola. Please check this page often to make sure that you have received all of the awards listed in your category. If I should be missing an award that you have received but is not listed on the page, please let me know.


November 1 – NCPH Book Award nominations are due.

December 1 – All other award nominations are due.

December 1-January 21 – Committees should review the nominations and select a winner. Committee chairs, if you would like to arrange a conference call for your committee, I can arrange for one. Just let me know at least two working days before you would like to have the call.

No later than January 21– Committee chairs notify Carrie of award winners.

February 15 – Committee chairs provide a paragraph explaining why the committee chose the winning submission and any honorable mentions. This appears in the printed Awards Ceremony program at the conference and is used in the president’ssc-ript for the ceremony, as well as in Public History News.

March 1 – Committee chairs provide a report to the NCPH Executive Office ONLY IF the committee has substantive changes to recommend to the Board of Directors for the award.

The NCPH office will continue to advertise the awards through this office via email and announcements. Please help us spread the word and feel free to solicit nominations!

If you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks again. Your time and effort are greatly appreciated!


Carrie Dowdy

Program Director

National Council on Public HIstory

327 Cavanaugh Hall-IUPUI

425 University Blvd

Indianapolis, IN 46202

(p) 317-274-2729; (f) 317-278-5230


Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
Room 503
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017