We’ve organized a brainstorming symposium bringing together diverse
specializations to formulate what can be termed Pacific worlds studies.
This will be examining historical framings and content, but also the
forms in which these changes can begin to happen. As you know, I
certainly think of archives building as an integral part of this work.
So please consider inviting staff, colleagues, and students.
In addition to featuring the new Pacific-related scholarship of Bruce
Cumings and Gary Okihiro and many stellar NYU faculty and beyond, key
conversations will feature Rick West, the founding director of the
Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian and pioneering
publisher Andre Schiffrin, the guiding light at Pantheon Books and The
New Press (who first published E.P. Thompson, Studs Terkel, Marguerita
Duras, Foucault, Chomsky, and many more).
*Remappings: Asias / Pacifics / Americas Symposium
1. Decolonizing ‘America’s Pacific’*
An A/P/A Institute symposium rethinking the conventional categories of
U.S. history.
“Decolonizing ‘America’s Pacific’” will be the first of a series of
symposia exploring the
multiple movements of people, practices, goods, and ideas in and through
what Fijian philosopher Epeli Hau’ofa has called “a sea of islands.”
*Date: Friday, March 5, 2010
*Time: 9:00 AM – 5:30 PM
NYU Silver Center
100 Washington Sq. East
Hemmerdinger Hall, 1st Floor
(enter on Washington Place)
New York, NY 10003
*/FREE and open to the public.
/RSVP by March 3rd
*Online: www.apa.nyu.edu , Email:
_apa.rsvp@nyu.edu_ , or Call: 212-992-9653
*9:00am Registration
9:30am Welcome
Ulrich Baer, Vice Provost, NYU
Jack Tchen, A/P/A Institute, NYU
*9:45am-11:15am Opening Remappings
*”Pacific Ascendency and American Power”
Bruce Cumings, University of Chicago
“Toward a Pacific Civilization”
Gary Okihiro, Columbia
*11:15am-12:45pm “Americas”*
Chair: Tom Bender, NYU
Karen Kupperman, NYU
Maria Montoya, NYU
Jasbir Puar, Rutgers–New Brunswick
David Roediger, University of Illinois-Champaign Urbana
Nikhil Singh, NYU
*12:45pm-1:45pm Lunch and Book Table*
Lunch Session Talk – “Conversation on a New Ethics of Global Museum
W. Richard West, Jr., Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
*1:45pm-3:15pm “Pacifics”
*Chair: Nicholas Mirzoeff, NYU
Keith Camacho, UCLA
Haidy Geismar, NYU
Ed Guerrero, NYU
Margo Machida, University of Connecticut-Storrs
Matt Matsuda, Rutgers-New Brunswick
*3:15pm-4:45pm “Asias”
*Chair: Marilyn Young, NYU
Nina Cornyetz, NYU
Henry Em, NYU
Adam McKeown, Columbia
Satya Mohanty, Cornell
Ngo Vinh Long, University of Maine-Orono
*”Conversation on a Publisher’s /Political Education/”
Andre Schiffrin, Founder, The New Press
*5:15 Closing comments*
Lauren Benton, Dean of Humanities, NYU
Jack Tchen, NYU
*5:30pm Reception and Book Table*
*/Co-sponsored by
/*Office of Multicultural Affairs at Columbia University
NYU Department of Media, Culture and Communication
NYU History Department
NYU Center for Multicultural Education and Programs
*Supported by
*NYU Department of Social & Cultural Analysis and Asian/Pacific/American
Studies Program
NYU Humanities Initiative
NYU Native Peoples Forum
Center for the Study of Ethnicity & Race at Columbia University
Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian
Rutgers Collective for Asian American Studies
CUNY Asian American / Asian Research Institute
Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017