Archives and Records Management Seminar

October 14, 2009

Four Points by Sheraton, 800 East Park Dr, Harrisburg PA. 17111

The Power of Public Records

Registration Cost reduced! Only $40!

State Employee? Affected by the Budget Impasse? We’ll credit you to attend—pay nothing until the budget passes.

If we do not get enough registrations, we may have to cancel—so please register NOW!

Note: No paper registrations are being mailed this year, register online at (under Event Registration)

r request a downloadable form from or call 717-772-3257

8:00—8:45 Registration and Refreshments

8:45—9:00am Welcoming Remarks

David Haury, PhD, State Archivist and President, CoSA

Barbara Franco, PHMC Executive Director

9:00—10:00am Plenary Session:

• Caring for Records in a Depressed Economy

How can we cope in these tough times? What does this mean for archivists and records keepers? Join us for Ms Roe’s perspective on helping you soldier on

Speaker: Kathleen Roe, New York State Archives

10:00—10:30am Break—Visit the Vendors

10:30—12:15pm Session:

• Pennsylvania’s Right to Know Law, Plus One

It’s been almost a year since the Right to Know law went into effect. How’s it going? What are the successes and the challenges? Join us for an exciting panel with differing perspectives as they assess the new law’s impact.

Speakers: Terry Mutchler, Commonwealth Office of

Open Records, Executive Director (scheduled)

Andrea Bowman, Deputy General Counsel, Governor’s Office of General Counsel

Bruce Foreman, Partner, Foreman & Caraciolo

Terry Mutchler’s participation is tentative. If she cannot attend, Corinna Wilson, ChiefCounsel, Pennsylvania Office of Open Records, will substitute.


• Archives Without Tears: The Basics for Historical Records Repositories

Got Archives? Don’t know what to do? Join Jerry Ellis as he covers the basics to help you along.

Speaker: Jerry Ellis, Pennsylvania State Archives

12:15pm—1:30pm Lunch

1:30—2:45pm Concurrent Sessions:

• Web 2.0: Overview and Practical Social Networking Applications

An overview of the most popular Web 2.0 tools and applications with discussion of their relevance to archives and historical society outreach programming.

Speaker: Kate Theimer, ArchivesNext
• Principles of Records Management

A look at basic records management principles and the benefits that can be achieved by implementing them.

Speaker: James Frazier, Delaware State Archives


• Caring for Videotape and other Magnetic Media

The history of videotape, proper storage and preservation, reformatting, and resources will be reviewed.

Speaker: Sam Verga of Vidipax

2:45—3:00pm Break—Visit the Vendors!

3:00—4:15pm Concurrent Sessions:

• Archival Management Software: Archivists’ Toolkit and Archon

And you thought “archon” was the ancient Greek word for “ruler!” These two new types of software for intellectual control and managing your collections will be presented.


Holly Mengel, PASCL

Jesse Teitelbaum, PA House of Representatives Archives

• Enterprise Content Management

IBM will discuss the latest in Enterprise Content Management.

Speaker: To be announced

• Workshop Part II: Caring for Videotape and other Magnetic Media

Speaker: Sam Verga, Vidipax

New This Year!!! Afternoon Exhibitor Presentations (held concurrent to sessions)

Time Vendor Representative

1:30—1:50 Crowley To be announced

2:00—2:20 Ancestry. Com Al Viera

2:30—2:50 E-Image Data Jeff Middleton

3:00—3:20 PHMC Publications Ted Walke

Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017