ARCHIVES: Keeping the Goods
February 2nd, Tuesday, 3:00pm, Martin E. Segal Theatre
Who keeps the papers safe? How are they kept? And does it make any difference where? For without the collected debris of a life, without the voice of a sister or a wife on the tape or digital recording device, what can a biographer know? The answer of course may be a great deal, but lets talk to those people who take it as their art to keep safely whatever is in their care. Moderated by Nancy Milford, Founding Director Emerita of the Biography Center, and featuring William L. Joyce, the Dorothy Foehr Huck Chair at Pennsylvania State University; Stephen Enniss, Eric Weinmann Librarian at the Folger Shakespeare Library in Washington; and Allan Goodrich, the Direction of Archives and Head of the Audio/Visual Division at the JFK Presidential Library, Boston.
Sponsored by the Leon Levy Center for Biography.
Peter J. Wosh
Director, Archives/Public History Program
History Department
New York University
53 Washington Square South
New York NY 10012
Phone: (212) 998-8601
Fax: (212) 995-4017