Sorry that I didn’t learn about this earlier, but today I’ve glanced
once or twice at a fascinating project: Museum in a Day. You can learn
more about it at
Basically, two IT professionals who work in the cultural heritage sector
in the UK have given themselves one day to build a museum website for a
fictional museum — except now the museum is sort of real, in a virtual
way. Using Omeka and WordPress, they took one day, today, November 2, to
build a website for “The Future Museum,” an online museum of fictional
technologies such as teleporters and hoverboards, “the technologies and
ideas that humankind thought would change the world . . . and didn’t.”
The point, they say, was to prove that “making (museum) websites should
be easy.”
You can see the “dev” (i.e., draft) version of what they built today at, and you can read about what they did
today on an hour-by-hour basis on the Twitter feed at, and you can take a look at their
planning document on their public Google Docs spreadsheet at
Amanda L. French, Ph.D.
Assistant Research Scholar, Digital Curriculum Specialist
Archives and Public History
New York University
King Juan Carlos Center
53 Washington Square South #507
New York, NY 10012
TEL: 212-998-8638
FAX: 212-995-4017
AIM: habitrailgirl