Get Involved

We are collecting documentation of the experiences of Asian/Pacific Americans living during COVID-19 by:

Collecting Digital Artifacts

Screenshot of video with Korean characters and English text that says “How to start talking to your Korean family about Black Lives Matter.” An image of Patricia Kim in front of a bookcase is at the bottom right corner.

Collecting digital artifacts including, but not limited to: articles, flyers, and resource lists; publications and journal articles; photographs and images of artwork and installations; video and audio recordings. Select artifacts may be accessioned, alongside the recorded oral history interviews, by the NYU Tamiment Library & Robert F. Wagner Labor Archives. To contribute an artifact to the project, complete the artifact donation form.

Recording oral history interviews with narrators who wish to share their A/P/A COVID-19 experiences or perspectives for archival preservation and future access.

creenshot of Emily Mock in a Zoom meeting. Two photographs are displayed in the Zoom window of black rectangular cloth banners with “Rent Strike” painted on them in English and in Chinese characters. In the left image, the banners are hung from a balcony. In the right image, the banners are spread out on a wood floor.

These interviews will be conducted remotely (while social distancing protocols are still necessary) or in person (only when safe to do so). The volunteer narrator form has been closed, join our newsletter to see when we are taking applications again.

Collecting a wide range of recorded interviews to document, as thoroughly as possible, A/P/A COVID-19 experiences.

Screenshot of Zoom meeting between Crystal Baik and Tavae Samuelu

The volunteer interviewer form has been closed, join our newsletter to see when we are taking applications again.


Questions? Please contact