Museum Studies
Museum Interpretation
- Core Standards: Education and Interpretation
- Curating Access: Disability Art Activism and Creative Accommodation (publisher’s website) (NYU Library ePub)
- Education and Interpretation: Accessibility
- Making Inclusive Museums Now
- Museum Practice: Interpretation Examples
- Top ten tips for museum interpretation
- What Choreography Can do in a Museum
- Woolmer, Mark. “You’re a what? Interpreting Interpretation to Non-interpreters.” 2017.
Museum Equity
- Ballingall, Levinsky-Raskin, Stemler, and Williams. Designing Accessible Interactives. Intrepid Museum, 2019.
- Bennett, Tony. “The Political Rationality of the Museum.” Continuum 3, no. 1 (1990): 35–55.
- Duncan, Carol. Civilizing Rituals: Inside Public Art Museums. London: Routledge, 1995. Print.
- Falk, John. Identity and the Museum Visitor Experience. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2019. (Google Books) (NYU ePub)
- Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean. “The Space of the Museum.” Continuum 3, no. 1 (1990)
- Samis, Peter. “New technologies as part of a comprehensive interpretive plan, The digital museum: A think guide”, 2007 – American Association of Museums
- McLean, Kathleen. “Exhibitions and the Dynamics of Dialogue” Daedalus, Vol. 128, No. 3, America’s Museums (Summer, 1999), pp. 83-107.
- Museum Arts and Culture Access Consortium. Working Document of Best Practices: Tips for Making All Visitors Feel Welcome.
- O’Neill, Paul, Lucy Steeds, and Mick Wilson. “Introduction.” In How Institutions Think: Between Contemporary Art and Curatorial Discourse. Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 2017.
- Papalia, Carmen. “A New Model for Access in the Museum.” Disability Studies Quarterly. 33, no. 3. (2013).
- Parker, Priya “The Art of Gathering: How We Meet and Why it Matters” (2018)
- Timpson, Corey. “The Great Canadian Quest for an Inclusively Rich Experience.” The Canadian Museum for Human Rights, 2015.
- Voon, Claire. Museums Are Finally Taking Accessibility for Visitors with Disabilities Seriously. Art Market, October 14, 2019.
A Matter of Choice? Arts Participation Patterns of Americans with Disabilities. National Endowment for the Arts
Museum Accessibility Guides
- Accessibility Resources at the Intrepid
- Digital Engagement Accessibility Toolkit (Association of Science and Technology Centers)
- Guggenheim for All: Sensory Map, Social Narrative, and Minds Eye
- Euan’s Disabled Access Information
- Met Tours for Visitors with Disabilities
- Moma museum training video library
- Museum Access Consortium’s Tips for Making All Visitors Feel Welcome
- Smithsonian Guidelines for Accessible Exhibition Design
- Smithsonian Inclusive Digital Interactives
- Smithsonian Social Narratives (for each museum)
Accessible Performances
Accessibility and Disability
Universal Design
- Burgstahler, Sheryl. “Universal Design: Process, Principles, and Applications.” 2015.
- Ellis, Katie and Mike Kent. “Universal Design in a Digital World.” Disability and New Media. 2011.
- Hamraie, Aimi. Building Access: Universal Design and the Politics of Disability. Univ Of Minnesota Press, 2017
- Holmes, Kat. 5 Ways Inclusion Fuels Innovation. Mismatch, September 16, 2018.
- Holmes, Kat. Mismatch: How Inclusion Shapes Design. MIT Press, 2018.
- Beyer, Marta. CMME Workshop Discussion: Applying Universal Design to Museum Experiences, 2014
- Do’s and Don’ts on Designing for Accessibility
- Historic Sites and Universal Design: Lessons from the Tenement Museum
- Inclusive Design Toolkit (University of Cambridge)
- Inclusive Design Toolkit (Microsoft)
- The Inclusive Historian Handbook
- Design for all Requires a Culture Change in Architecture
- Landau, Steve. Universal Design and Accessibility Workshop: Touch-responsive interactive exhibits and multisensory displays. DCArts, October 30, 2017. Touch Graphics Inc
Talking about Disability
- Demystifying Disability, What to Know, What to Say, and How to be an Ally , Emily Ladau (fulltext available in NYU library)
- Disability Etiquette Guide
Digital Accessibility
multisensory Design
- Classen, Constance. The Deepest Sense: A Cultural History of Touch. University of Illinois Press, 2012
- Heller, Morton A. and Edouard Gentaz. Psychology of Touch and Blindness. Psychology Press, 2014
- Kleege, Georgina. Sight Unseen. Yale University Press, 1999
- Levent, Nina and Alvaro Pascual-Leone, editors. The Multisensory Museum: Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives on Touch, Sound, Smell, Memory, and Space. Rowman and Littlefield, 2014
- Kleege, Georgina. What Blindness Brings to Art. Oxford University Press (2017).
- Beete, Paulette. Touch and See. NEA Arts Magazine, Issue 2015, Number 1 [Online]
- Chick, Anne. Co-creating an Accessible, Multi-sensory Exhibition with the National Centre for Craft & Design and Blind and Partially Sighted Participants. Conference proceedings from Design of Education as Education in Design; De-stratifying Fields and Subjects, 2017 [Online]
- Dadi, Ravikanth and P. Hariharan. Design of Electrocutaneous Tactile Display over Human Fingertip for Textural Applications in Space Manufacturing Feedback. International Conference on Robotics and Smart Manufacturing, 2018 [Available online at]
- Vidal-Verdu, Fernando and Moustapha Hafez. Graphical Tactile Displays for Visually-Impaired People. IEEE Transactions on Neural
- Arcand, Kimberly Kowal, Megan Watzke, and Chris De Pree. Exploring the Invisible Universe: A Tactile and Braille Exhibit of Astronomical Images. CAPjournal, No. 8, June 2010 [Online]
- Cachia, Amanda. “Talking Blind: Disability, Access, and the Discursive Turn.” Disability Studies Quarterly. 33, no. 3 (2013).
- Coates, Charlotte. Best practice in making Museums more accessible to visually impaired visitors. MuseumNext, December 8, 2019.
- Landgreen, Malorie and Ben Jones. CMME: Tactile Paths Not Taken, 2014
- Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired: Museums and Exhibits. Contact: Greg Kehret, Director of Access to Information Services ( )
- National Center on Accessibility. Indiana University, Bloomington. Exhibit Design Relating to Low Vision and Blindness Summary Report. January 10, 2011
- University of Oxford. Heritage: Please Touch the Art
- Kleege, Georgina. More Than Meets the Eye: What Blindness Brings to Art. Oxford University Press (2017).
- Edman, Polly Tactile Graphics (1992).
Disability Justice
- Byrne, John, Elinor Morgan, November Paynter, Aida Sánchez de Serdio, Andela Zeleznik, eds. The Constituent Museum: Constellations of Knowledge, Politics and Mediation, A Generator of Social Change. Amsterdam: Valiz, 2018. (Aida Sánchez de Serdio, “Pedagogies of Encounter”; Nora Sternfeld, “Give her the Tools, She will Know What. To do with Them! Some Thoughts about Learning Together”; Yaiza Hernández Vélazquez”)
- Cachia, Amanda. Talking Blind: Disability, Access, and the Discursive Turn. Disability Studies Quarterly. 33, no. 3 (2013).
- Clare, Eli. Exile and Pride: Disability, Queerness, and Liberation (1999).
- Guffey, Elizabeth. Designing Disability. Bloomsbury Publishing. (2017).
- Hendron, Sara. Our Bodies, Aliveness, and the Built World (interview from On Being with Krista Tippett), 2023
- Linton, Simi. Claiming Disability: Knowledge and Identity. (1998).(NYU Library ePub)
- Williamson, Bess. Accessible America: A History of Disability and Design. NYU Press, 2019. (Ability Project Bookshelf) (NYU Library ePub)
- Wood, Caitlin. (Ed). Criptiques. San Bernardino, CA: May Day Publishing. (2014). (Amazon)
Tactile Design
- How tactile graphics can help end image poverty, Chancey Fleet
- Tactile Maps (Guide created by Themis Garcia Cadiz)
- Touch Points: Co-Designing Tactile Exhibition Elements with User/Experts
- Understanding Accessible Interpretation through Touch Object Practices in Museums
- Braille Authority of North America: Guidelines and Standards. Unit 8, Orientation and Mobility (tactile maps).
- Van Geem, Pat. Vector Line Drawing Tactile Maps.
- BTactile: the Place to Find Tactile Graphics. (a collection of tactile graphics)
- Smithsonian 3D (repository of digitized items in the collection)
Video Design
New York Accessibility Resources
- A11YNYC Meetup
- NYU Center for Disability Studies (Events listed on their website and announced via email)
- Zoom In Museums (Curated list of Museums & Cultural Institutions Offering Virtual Tours)