TouchTree: Touch Object Decision Tree

Illustrated graphic with circle, diamonds, rectangles, and arrows representing a horizontal flow chart
Illustrated graphic of a horizontal decision tree or flow chart with a circle starting point, diamond decision markers, rectangular steps, and arrows

Project Description

This project is a continuation of the research led by Lauren Race on touch objects in museums. Touch objects refer to tactile representations of museum artifacts that visitors may touch directly. The goal of this project is to design a decision tree so that museum practitioners have a standardized flow for 1) when to create a touch object and 2) what type of touch object to create for any given museum artifact. In doing so, museum practitioners will be able to allocate the right amount of time and resources to create touch objects that blind and low vision visitors will find engaging, with the goal of improving their museum experience.

Team Name

The team name for this project is TouchTree. This was inspired by the longer version of the team name that Lauren was previously using: Touch Object Decision Tree. With “TouchTree,” the idea is that the decision flow chart is a tree with multiple branches, with the objective of determining when and which type of touch object to design for any given museum artifact. The two ideas Syeda originally had in mind were TouchTree and RootTouch. She sent both options to Lauren, and the two ultimately decided on TouchTree.


Group Members

  • Syeda, M.S Integrated Design & Media, NYU Tandon
  • Lauren, Accessibility Designer & Researcher at the NYU Ability Project

Project Mentor

  • Lauren, Accessibility Designer & Researcher at the NYU Ability Project

Meeting Time

  • Wednesday 1:00pm – 1:40pm via Zoom


  • February 9, 2023: Syeda and Lauren held their first kickoff meeting over Zoom
  • February 27, 2023: Syeda visited the Intrepid Museum and received feedback from Director of Access Initiatives
  • March 11, 2023: Syeda and Lauren created a website for museum practitioners to use TouchTree
  • April 2, 2023: Syeda began formal evaluations of the TouchTree
  • April 12, 2023: Syeda completed evaluations of the TouchTree
  • April 28, 2023: The final version of the decision tree was updated on the TouchTree website

Using the Decision Tree

You can begin using the TouchTree on our website.


Final Presentation Video