Fort Ticonderoga: Visitor Guide


A bird view of a brown brick quadrangular fort, surrounded by lake and mountains.









A bird view of a brown brick quadrangular fort, surrounded by lake and mountains.

Fort Ticonderoga is a major cultural destination, museum, historic site, and center for learning. As a multi-day destination and the premier place to learn more about North America’s military heritage, Fort Ticonderoga engages more than 75,000 visitors each year with an economic impact of more than $12 million annually. Currently they are in winter quarters, which means that the site is closed until May 6th. During this period of time, we reached out to Timothy, the project manager at Fort Ticonderoga, as our mentor, and discussed our accessible visitor guide project.

Our project focuses on redesigning the accessible visitor guide from 2022 and icons for the visitor guide to meet launching criteria. Our goal is to provide a digital version available on the official website in 2023 and printed versions available in spring 2024. In addition, we will provide sensory notes regarding the ease of accessibility across the historical sites.

TEAM Name 

We decide to name our group Tech Jaguar as we want to provide a convenient and efficient experience for the visitors at Fort Ticonderoga. In addition, TJ is also the name of our mentor, Timothy Mullen.  


  • Group Members: Tracy Li, Xiaoli Han, Helen Fang
  • Project Mentor(s): Timothy Mullen (Exhibit fabricator) <
  • Student point of contact with mentor: Tracy Li  <>
  • Meeting times: 2:00 PM, Every other Friday

Meeting Schedule 


  • Feb 10th: came up with two different directions for the icons and brainstormed more versions for the icons.
  • Feb 24th: decided the final style, finalized basic guideline, and started (re)creating each icon.
  • Mar 10th: revised icons based on mentor’s feedback
  • Mar 24th: finished icon set, waiting for approval
  • May 2nd: Finalize the icons and accessibility guide (figma link here)