Weekly Updates
Week 12, 5/12/22 Project goal for week: final project updates Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: final project updates
- Angelica Honrade: final project updates; crated historical diagram with braille if for future project someone can combine the Swell on one side and embossed brail on the other:
- Diana Reina: final project updates
Overview of what was accomplished Week 11, 5/5/22 Project goal for week: Final presentations Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Record video and document closed captioning script. Edited video and uploaded it onto NYU Stream.
- Angelica Honrade: Record video and document closed captioning script. Edited the closed captions on NYU Stream. Edited the overview of significant achievements and project image. Edited the Resources page to include links to relevant articles and books, tutorials, and other historical information.
- Diana Reina: Record video and document closed captioning script. Edited project description on the main page of our project website.
Overview of what was accomplished: Finish up editing video and closed captioning script. Week 10, 4/28/22 Project goal for week: creating final iterations of the two patches and starting the outline of the presentation. Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Created an iteration of the monster patch to include Swell form, embroidery, and button that when pressed triggers a sound.
- Angelica Honrade: Drafted the outline of the PowerPoint presentation for the final project. Created new iterations of Swell form graphic of Mediterranean Cruise Patch to include patterns. Worked on hand embroidery for patch including the iteration with Swell form and iteration with iron-on and conductive thread. Separated elements of the patches to give to team.
- Diana Reina: Completed a descriptive breakdown of the image components delineating the historical meaning of the WA-AW and CIC monster patch. The information that is described within the patch breakdown maps is provided by the group’s museum collaborator, Jessica Williams. The PDFs of these images can be found within the “Final Presentation Elements” folder. Added the historical image and image descriptions to the final presentation. Worked on final project presentation slides.
Overview of what was accomplished: Iterations of swell form, embroidery, electronic elements, and historical diagrams were created while starting on the initial outline for final presentation. Week 9, 4/21/22 Project goal for week: Continuing working on different iterations and prototypes of the monster and mediterranean (card) patches for the book Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Work on embroidery iteration for patches; organize communication of all team members – continued finalizing current patch iterations for the booklet. Began new booklet document to organize booklet pages and outline.
- Angelica Honrade: Work on sampling the illustration and creating more contrast for Swell form of the cards patch; iron-on with adding contrast with stitches; used Figma to create prototype of touch points (maybe for a future project can work on website accessibility of patches?)
- Diana Reina: Revise and edit WordPress pages; update project overview page. Meet in-person to continue printing swell form pages for the patch booklets.
Overview of what was accomplished: created 12 variations on Illustrator of Squadron VA(AW)-33 Mediterranean Cruise Patch and narrowed down to three versions that were printed on Swell form paper Week 8, 4/14/22 Project goal for week: Team meeting on Zoom on Tueday 4/12/2022 – as a team we discussed our goals for this week and for the remaining weeks of our project. Individual goals for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Organized the team meeting on Tuesday, 4/12/2022.
- Angelica Honrade: Devised plan for the week and remainder of the weeks for the interactive touch objects booklets.
- Diana Reina: The Intrepid Museum mentor, Jessica, responded within the last week with more information on the patches. Recorded zoom team meeting minutes on Tuesday, 4/12/2022, notes are available in the running notes log. Update the WordPress page.
Overview of what was accomplished Week 7, 4/7/22 Project goal for week: Consider presenting a spiral-bound book to the Intrepid Museum for two patches Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Discuss with the team the prospective plan for a spiral-bound book to contain a variety of tactile modalities for museum visitors – setup game plan for specific tactile variations and the number of pages needed for each patch booklet.
- Angelica Honrade: Isolated elements of patches on Illustrator for Mediterranean patch; Brainstorm ideas on different versions to include in spiral-bound book
- Diana Reina: Followed up with Jessica Wilson for more information regarding the function and history of the patches – Jessica has indicated receipt of these emails, but has not yet had enough time to devote to our queries. Attempted a separate felt iteration of the guided-missile patch – the rationale for working on this patch is better elaborated in our team’s weekly notes.
Overview of what was accomplished Week 6, 3/31/22 Project goal for week: Midterm Presentations; met over Zoom call on Tuesday to discuss gameplan for the week Individual goals for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Working on midterm project presentation; organizing all components of the project presentation, coordinated Zoom meeting for gameplan – submitted items to Dr. Hurst for presentation
- Angelica Honrade: working on midterm presentation – recording, editing transcript on website, editing cc
- Diana Reina: Midterm project presentation preparation – transcript, recording
Links for midterm:
Overview of what was accomplished midterm presentations Week 5, 3/24/22 Project goal for week: Team Zoom meeting 3/22/2022 to deliberate the tasks for the end of week deliverables of 3/24/2022 and 3/31/2022. Divide patches amongst the group, and divide the modalities. Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Embroidery machine with Daniel; experiment with a sewing machine and swell form paper to experiment with different tactile sensations
- Angelica Honrade: Ordered materials from Michael’s including embroidery hoops, thread, needles, scissors, etc.; Printed a few variations of vector images of the Mediterranean patch; Worked on learning more embroidery techniques that added more depth/contrast; Created a prototype of a patch that has background elements printed but foreground elements embroidered and used conductive thread;
- Diana Reina: Sent message to Jessica Wilson, Curator of History and Collections of the Intrepid Museum, for more information regarding the 4 patches that we have been working on. Acquire felt materials to complete the “Roof Rat” patch into a tactile felt board.
Overview of what was accomplished Week 4, 3/10/22 Project goal for week: Determining what details are important about the artifact (what is interesting to touch, what is better off being a visual description, and what is best as a separate component); Exploring multiple modes of delivery for the artifact and consider more options for feedback Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: Isolated components and made notes on what is important about each patch, what elements would be best to touch vs. what would be best to learn about in other ways. Contributed to shared document regarding elements of the patches. Contacted Daniel about learning embroidery machine & sewing machine – will be after Spring Break. Began sketching ideas for various prototypes.
- Angelica Honrade: Determined what details are important about the artifact and shared notes within group document; did further research on certain symbols/icons in the patches to try to get more information until we hear back from the museum
- Diana Reina: Isolate and analyze different components of the artifacts, share notes and feedback within the group – contribute to shared note document regarding different qualities/characteristics of the artifacts
Overview of what was accomplished: Team identified the budget and prospective materials needed to move forward with the construction of the touch objects. In addition, identified the to-do list items for over spring break. Please see the team overview notes below:
- Materials moving forward:
- Iron on paper patches
- Better embroidery materials
- Swell form paper
- Current budget:
- $100 Visa giftcard
- Expires 4/22/2022
- To do over the break:
- Continue considering the components of the patches
- Consider the different modalities of execution
- Touch base 3/21/2022 for embroidery machine
Week 3, 3/3/22 Project goal for week: Brainstorm this week, consider the following: (1) Consider the touch/tactile interaction, (2) Consider how we want the visitor to interact with the artifact Individual goals for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: brainstorm & map out versions of interactive patches that might be possibilities. Think through interaction. Review research articles on tactile e-textiles, embroidery & interactive touch objects. Notes here.
- Angelica Honrade: research on different mediums for tactile graphics (relief, 3D print, textile, etc.); brainstorm changes to Illustrator drawings for Swell form; experiment with using embroidery thread with circuit playground express to get more of a feel for the touch/tactile interaction here (ignore the subject matter of flowers.. just experimenting with the different textures of different stitches on integrating the touch element with it)
- Diana Reina: Connect with 4 MSOT colleagues for input on swell form printed pages- received and recorded feedback related to shapes, textures, and other tactile information that may be useful/additive to the experience.
Overview of what was accomplished: After reading about universal design, the team agreed upon that we should consider have more than one artifact for our interpretation of the patches. Week 2, 2/24/22 Project goal for week: Print out top 4 patches in varying scales, annotate specific features and qualities that stand out; research with circuit playground express. Connect with Intrepid museum for patch narratives, and Spandita for a crash course in paper tactile graphic creation. Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff: learn to use swell form printer; print AJs simplified versions of patches on swell printer; identify touch points & important aspects of each of the 4 patches; work on capacitive touch aspects of Circuit Playground using MakeCode; created capactive touch input with thread on pirate patch
- Video here: MopSounds;
- Angelica Honrade: create simplified versions of patches on Illustrator; identify specific qualities of each artifact; research and look into if we want to explore NFC tags; play around with circuit playgrounds express and embroidery
- Diana Reina: Circuit playground express research – coded a random spinning wheel that is activated upon shaking which may be viewed here; Print out top 4 patches on own time, trace artifacts with fingers, replicated that process using iPad and Apple Pen –> identified specific qualities of each artifact which may be found here; Update WordPress overview
Overview of what was accomplished Week 1, 2/17/22 Project goal for week: visit Intrepid museum, look at patches online, choose some that might work for storytelling Individual goal for the week:
- Stefanie Koseff – research microcontrollers, see if anyone has done work on talking patches, research electronics & textiles, readings from Daniel, additional readings added to google drive, here; Research notes here
- Angelica Honrade – readings from Daniel, research on patches on Intrepid website, looking into embroidery and conductive thread
- Diana Reina – readings from Daniel, readings on tactile preferences in specific sensory processing disorder populations, preview and annotate thoughts on specific patches
Overview: Discussed research findings, narrowed down patches of interest to top 4, identified goals for week 2