Final Project: Rebekah Lee

Project Description:

The format of my final project is a physical and tactile survey for someone to hold onto and flip through. Someone would conduct this survey by going through each question on the sheet with the participant, either reading the questions out or not, and using follow up questions to get more specific answers.


A stapled stack of paper with boxes outlined in black and an icon on the top left corner. In this first page, the icon is a shopping cart with bags. The question is on a stapled flap of paper inside the box. It reads: "What necessary things do you do in your community? (Do you shop? Do you go to church?) Do you do it a lot?"
First Question
The flap on the first page is open. The images show a church, a grocery store, a clothing store, and a barber shop in a collage format.
First Question Images
In this second page, the icon is a concert scene with lights, a stage, speakers, and an audience. The question reads: "What fun things do you do in your community? (Do you go to concerts? Do you go to restaurants?) Do you do it a lot?"
Second Question
The flap on the second page is open. The images show a ice cream shop, a restaurant, a theater, and a concert in a collage format.
Second Question Images
In this third page, the icon is a person thinking about a concert shown with a though bubble. The question reads: "Is there something you want to do in your community?"
Third Question
The flap on the third page is open. The images show a person thinking with a negative expression, someone looking out at the city with a thought bubble that says "I want to..." and an illustration of a person reaching out with their arm.
Third Question Images
In this fourth page, the icon is a yellow ribbon with a star in the center. The question reads: "Think about the past. This past year, last year, or 2 years ago. Do you think you achieved anything that makes you happy? What?"
Fourth Question
The flap on the fourth page is open. The images show someone cooking, a trophy with confetti, someone doing a yoga pose, and two people sitting in a graduation ceremony. There is text on the top left that says "You did it!"
Fourth Question Images
In this fifth page, the icon is a happy face with stars around. The question reads: "Did something ever happen that made your life better?"
Fifth Question
The flap on the fifth page is open. The images show someone kissing a puppy, someone receiving a gift with text above that says "Surprise!", and someone climbing a hill, reaching out to someone's hand and saying in a speech bubble: "Thank you"
Fifth Question Images
In this sixth page, the icon is hand in the middle of an stop sign with a diagonal slash through the middle. The question reads: "Did anything make it hard for you to achieve something important? What was it?"
Sixth Question
The flap on the sixth page is open. The images show two figures facing each other, where one is holding up a hand indicating stop, and it's saying in a speech bubble: "NO." Other images are an emoji face with a thumbs down, someone with their hands covering their face in distress looking at their laptop, and someone in a wheelchair facing a staircase.
Sixth Question Images

Reflection Questions:

Why did you choose this modality? Which elements of the original did you keep, if any? Why? Which elements of the original survey did you change? How did you change them? Why?

I chose this modality because my images ended up being collages that could be overwhelming for some people. I thought it would be better to have something cover them and then be revealed if the participant preferred that. I kept all the elements of the original with the icons and the images, but presented them in a different way to make the connections and questions more understandable. From the original survey, I changed the way the questions and the graphics were all presented together. Originally, the questions are just a list and the icons and pictures are just presented next to each other. I organized the icons to pair with the questions first, and then presented the images under the questions to be extra help. I did this because I think some people don’t necessarily need images to help them answer any of the questions, but some may need it. I gave the option to flip through the images and questions based on someone’s needs.

Post-evaluation reflection:

Did you get the information you wanted? Do you feel that certain elements of your redesigned survey worked for you in eliciting information? Do you think that certain elements worked against you in discovering information? Is there anything you would change or add to your survey for a next iteration of it, based on feedback from HeartShare?

From my evaluations with HeartShare, I did get the information I wanted. I believe that my redesigned survey worked in presenting information, and it even helps the interviewer to create follow up questions and be more interactive. Certain elements that worked against me was how simple my modality was. A lot of work goes onto the interviewer because of how little there is to work with. If I could change or add something for a next iteration, I would have loved to add a writing or drawing part to it. I know some people communicate in different ways other than speaking, so it might be helpful to have other options.