Final Project Maddy Scopellite
Project Description: What format is it? Is it interactive? Does it have sound? Video? Describe how a person would conduct this survey.
My survey is a html, css, javascript website that works to help the user understand what images are on the page while also offering audio for the user. The survey has an images all with icons to allow the user to read the alt text of each image. Also as you work through the survey, any text on the screen can be read by the audio transcriber with the click of the sound icons near the desired text. The person partaking in the survey can either independently fill this out or have a friend fill it out for them! Then you can save your answers and send!
Documentation: If it’s interactive, make a video (screen recording is fine, if it’s digital) of your survey being interacted with. Include images with alt-text and captions.
If you are interested in taking this survey, go to this GitHub page and download all the files and run the html!
Reflection Questions: Why did you choose this modality? Which elements of the original did you keep, if any? Why? Which elements of the original survey did you change? How did you change them? Why?
I chose audio description because I knew I was using complicated AI generated images and created slightly complex icons. I think also for any survey with so many questions and text, if you are taking it alone it might help to have it playing out loud while you listen and think. As I worked through the translation process, my understanding of the original survey deepened. I realized how important the questions were in addressing sensitive topics like these which are so personal, and I became more aware of the different perspectives and experiences that respondents might have. I changed the formatting of most of the questions, trying to add variety and allow for some freedom on the important/personal topics. This helped me appreciate the details in the questions and the need to communicate them clearly while still acknowledging their significance
Post-evaluation reflection: Did you get the information you wanted? Do you feel that certain elements of your redesigned survey worked for you in eliciting information? Do you think that certain elements worked against you in discovering information? Is there anything you would change or add to your survey for a next iteration of it, based on feedback from HeartShare?
My feedback was to add another audio component to make the text boxes speech to text. I think if that was a reliable tech for ALL types of users that would be a great option. Using speech-to-text in a survey can lead to several problems, primarily related to accuracy issues caused by accents, background noise, misinterpretations of spoken words, and potential for introducing bias due to variations in speech patterns, which could ultimately affect the reliability and validity of the survey data collected. It is just to unreliable for such important answers!!!