DIY-AT: Masks

In this assignment you will build an accessible mask. First you will pick a design (either from our tutorial section, or something you find online). Next you will complete the template documenting what you made and reflecting on the design. Submit your documentation and reflection to NYU Classes


Deliverables (submit via NYU Classes as a word document)

Examples from Fall 2020

Photos of Student Builds (Posted with Permission)

Portrait photo of student (white female with short blond hear) looking at the right side from the camera wearing the modified blue mask with the black cap with the mask elastic going above the ear.

MasCap: Mask with straps attached to a baseball hat. 

Mask made of paper with a diamond shaped clear window with optional cover. Paper prototype of mask with a clear window that can be covered.  Student shown in profile view, facing to the left. The mask is adapted from a black medical mask, with the center of the mask removed and replaced with a clear, plas>c rectangle. The plas>c por>on of the mask is sewn to the black perimeter using black thread

Transparent mask made from medical mask. Inspiration/ Tutorial

Wearing the mask while facing straight towards the camera, and I’m smiling in this one

Transparent mask made of fabric.  Inspiration / Tutorial

N95 respiratory mask with center opened and a transparent plastic curved window covered the opening in the center of the mask.

N-95 mask with a window. Inspiration / Tutorial

A mask with original ear loop cut, extended/weaved with embroidery floss, and tied with squared sliding knots at the end.

Mask with adjustable ear loops.

This is a semi clear crochet mask with adjustable ear loops, a bead string and a head band. The mask has shades of green, light beige, yellow and the bead string is a mix of dark colors

Crochet clear mask with earloops, ear loops, headband, and a beaded string. Inspiration / Tutorial

Student wearing fabric mask that fits under glasses to minimize fogging.

Anti-Fogging Mask with wire to help it fit under glasses. 

o Objects laid out in a brown table surface with wood grain, from left to right: scotch heavy duty packing tape, surgical mask with covered clear cut out, 3M micro nose filters inner package, 3M micro nose filters outer package.

Disposable Clear-windowed Mask Kit. Inspiration / Tutorial

Tie-up mask with 2 board straps