CCLab Project A: “LIFE: From small To Big”
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Project Description
LIFE: From small To BIG
Creative Coding
Cells, Individuals, Interacting
LIFE is an interactive coding artwork that presents the whole procedure of the life of cells. The cells will experience three life stages from birth to division and to death. When the cells are generated at the very beginning, they are excited to see the world while they are fragile as well. Feeding and caring are needed. After they are fed with enough food, they will start their procedure to procreate. Afterward, they will fade away and die once they are starving or old enough. The more the number of cells, the less focus the operator has on each of the cells. The division and death seem invisible to them while their focus cannot be so specific that can observe every single cell. The cells are called for help, but the operator cannot see it unless they open the sketches mode. The cells here are another form to present the life of our human beings. The life procedure can present our life while the operator is indicated to the power holder. Combined with the COVID background, many people died because of the lack of attention. The artwork not only is an introduction to the life procedure of cells but also is a carrier that contains further thinking about life in the post-epidemic world.
Elevator Pitch
LIFE presents an overall procedure of cells’ life. From birth, procreation, and death of cells, we can have a glimpse of the life of our human beings. It explores the similarity between the life of cells and humans in the post-epidemic period by revealing the relationship between the power holder and their objects. LIFE gives further exploits of these two social roles and gives audiences the chance to experience the power holders’ position.
Artist Description
Andy Ye
Born in Wuhan, 2003; Lives and studies in Shanghai
NYU Shanghai Interactive Media Arts student
Andy is a creative visual artist with exploration and discovery. As a freshman student from New York University Shanghai, Andy has education experience in art, science, and liberal arts. To Andy, visual art is an open door to his inner world. In addition, it’s an abstract way to express his unique critical thought. In his past artistic creation, Andy was particularly concerned about humane attentiveness and trying to use the subjective similarity and conflict between art and reality to express the objective problems in reality. His works cover many genres and fields. At present, the field of his greatest attainments is photography, while he is learning and practicing creative coding and moving images. In addition, Andy also dabbles in the field of graphic design and robotics.
Special Thanks
Appreciate the guidance from Leon on the code for changing speed.
Appreciate the inspiration from Thomas when user testing.