Behind the Title: Leah Guarino-Ramirez

Leah Guarino-Ramirez

Meet Leah Guarino-Ramirez

What’s your official job title?
Associate Director of Advising and Student Affairs in FAS, Liberal Studies

Years/months at NYU:
21 years 

What’s your hometown?
River Rouge, Michigan

What kind of projects do you work on?
I direct the daily operations of the Liberal Studies Advising and Student Affairs office. LS has the 2nd largest entering first-year undergraduate class each year. I work with an amazing team of colleagues to implement programming and initiatives that support all of our students not only on an academic level, but also in co-curricular and social capacities (aka: student success!). When I’m not advising a student, you can always find me behind the scenes for things like: orientation weeks for our fall and spring cohorts, student leadership and service programs, Student Leader training and professional development, commencement, and this year’s celebration of the 10th anniversary of our Global Liberal Studies bachelor’s degree.  

What’s your role in the AMC?
For the past four years, I have served as both an FAS Representative and Alternate Representative. I am also a member of the AMC Community Service Committee.

Why NYU?
Having just graduated with a B.A. in History, I moved to NYC from the Midwest in 1997.  Higher Education is not exactly where I thought I would end up; I applied for an Administrative Aide position on the recommendation of a friend, and 21 years later I can say it’s been one of my best decisions.  I started as a clerical employee with FAS European Studies in 1998 and transitioned to an advising role in 2009. I have now been with Liberal studies for 10 years. Daily, I get to lean on my counseling background to help students navigate their way – including cultivating a fun environment that helps them find a real sense of belonging at NYU. 

What is your fondest memory of your time here?
My fondest memories are when students and alumni take the time to share that my advising and support have helped them – whether to achieve a goal, navigate a difficult period in life, support a fellow student, embrace their identity, or shape their professional or educational path. Similarly, I’m proud when I look back on times when colleagues have trusted me to advise them on challenges, opportunities, and successes they were experiencing.

What are you currently reading?
Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline

Coke or Pepsi?
Definitely Coke

Coffee or tea?
Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.

If you were a superhero, who would you be, and why?
Wonder Woman, because who doesn’t want to glide through the air!

Any advice for new administrators?
NYU offers many opportunities for professional growth. Don’t be afraid to take on new challenges. Find a mentor or someone who can support you on your NYU journey. I’m loving my involvement in the AMC Mentoring Program, offered through the AMC Professional Development Committee. Consider applying in the future. 

We spend a lot of time at our desks, and they can tell us a lot about your personality. Show us yours!
My office essentials center on ensuring that those who visit my office – whether students, staff or faculty – feel comfortable and know it’s a safe space. So I have a comfy chair, fun artwork, and plants, and an environment that reinforces a welcoming space!Leah Desk

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