Behind the Title: Cassandra Coste

Picture of Cassie Coste

Meet Cassandra Coste

What’s your official job title?
Program Manager, NYU Center for Bioethics, School of Global Public Health

Years/months at NYU:
10 years

What’s your hometown?
Topsham, Maine

What kind of projects do you work on?
I get my hands in a little bit of everything for the NYU Center for Bioethics and the Bioethics Department. I handle recruitment and admissions, track student progress, coordinate daily operations, and develop and monitor strategic growth plans. The Center for Bioethics engages with a lot of timely and exciting topics, so I also work on departmental events and collaborations with other schools addressing topics, such as the ethics of artificial intelligence in healthcare and human rights and public health ethics.

Is there an NYU benefit or perk that you use or think everyone should know about?
I’ve just gotten into utilizing Data Services classes at the library. If that’s something you’re interested in getting into or refreshing your mind on, I recommend checking them out:

Coffee or tea?
Cold brew. At all times of the year.

What are you currently reading now?
Health Justice Now by Timothy Faust

If you were a superhero, who would you be, and why?
I’m going to go classic and say Raphael, the Ninja Turtle. I was dedicated as a kid and a Ninja Turtle for three Halloweens. I like to think Raph and I share some traits of rebelliousness and loyalty. As an adult, conversations I had at NYU even led a coworker to get me a pair of sai, which I spent a summer learning how to wield.

Why NYU?
I came to NYU for undergrad and never left. I was lucky enough to be a student employee for all four years as an undergraduate student, and I actually transitioned my final position with the Silver School of Social Work into my first full-time job. Within that first role, I found a supportive community, thoughtful mentorship, and plenty of challenges to set me on a path of career growth that has taken me through positions with three NYU schools and saw the completion of my Masters in Public Health.

Any advice for new administrators?
Create community. Create goals. Create boundaries. With these three things, you can succeed in your current role, learn from your peers, give back to those around you, be purposeful about growth, and still maintain a healthy work and life balance that helps you achieve your best.

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