What’s your official job title?
Senior Associate Director of Communications at NYU Stern Undergraduate College
What’s your hometown?
Jenks, Oklahoma (it’s a small town outside of the bigger town, Tulsa)
What kind of projects do you work on?
I oversee our strategic communications strategy. I also work on capital improvements and advancing NYU-wide priorities on the school level. Most of my work is focused on the experience of prospective and current undergraduate students at NYU Stern.
What’s your role in the AMC?
I am the (excited and humble) incoming AMC Chairperson and, in this capacity, will also be serving as a University Senator. I am also continuing as a representative for Stern. Previously, I served as the Communications Committee chair. I am excited to continue on the great legacy of almost 50 years of AMC success and contribute to building on important relationships with University leadership to share our administrator stories and perspective.
What is your fondest memory of your time at NYU?
This year my direct report was a Give-A-Violet award recipient and I was invited to her award ceremony. I felt all the warm and fuzzies inside as story after story was told about how administrators from all across the University have done incredible things and left a positive impact. NYU administrators are often the constant in a sea of changing students and faculty appointments and it is really special when we can come together to celebrate our meaningful contributions.
Do you have a hidden talent?
Producing film projects. My background is in filmmaking and now I love working with my husband on projects that usually involve puppets (and sometimes avocados).
What are you currently reading?
“Dreyer’s English” is a book that my team is reading together because we are all nerdy for writing and grammar. If you are too, you should check out this great podcast episode that my boss, Erin Potter, sent around.
Do you have any digital artwork or media you would like to share?
My latest producing gig: https://vimeo.com/339201766
Coke or Pepsi?
Cane sugar Coca-Cola, for sure.
Is there an NYU perk or benefit you use or think everyone should know about?
Dr on Demand and Amwell are two apps that are supported by NYU health insurance. You can book a virtual appointment for anything from a cold or to set up regular talk therapy. I’ve had great experiences with the Dr on Demand app and it makes it very easy to use my regular copay for healthcare on-the-go.
Any advice for new administrators?
It doesn’t take very long to realize that NYU is an expansive institution with a million moving parts. But the best way to get, I’ve found, to understand it is to get out there and do all of the things! Sign up for the listservs and affinity groups that sound interesting to you. Come to the monthly AMC meetings (I know, I’m biased!) and start meeting as many people as possible. You will find your community in no time and be able to lean on these same people when you have questions or want feedback at a critical moment.
What are your desk essentials?
I like to surround myself with inspiration like this great quote from author Seth Godin, “Your brand is a promise and your work is delivering on it.” I also have close by the Strengths Finder results of our five-person team. My strengths are: Discipline, Responsibility, Empathy, Relator, and Strategic. I also created a door sign so my colleagues will make sure to knock if the building is on fire, or there’s a treat they want to offer me. And finally, I keep handy my Google Pixel 3a. I recently went to the dark side of Android and I wish I had done it sooner. If you’re ever in 44 W. 4th, please stop by room 1-73 in the first-floor hallway in between the Kaufman Management Center and Tisch Hall to say “hello.”
Wanna nominate an NYU administrator for the next Behind the Title? Tell us about them