
Journalism Crossroads header image


At a time of aching uncertainty in media, it pays to look at those pushing the boundaries of what defines a “journalist.” These “new, newer, newest journalists,” if you will, are themselves the product of rapid advancements in digital technology (including the rise of artificial intelligence), pivots in business models that have resulted in mass layoffs, and major societal changes — all of which have radically reshaped the media landscape. As the needs of the industry and audiences evolve, new and innovative roles such as engagement editors, social media reporters, and data-visualization experts have become ingrained in today’s newsrooms.

Prof. Adam Penenberg
Prof. Adam Penenberg

In this spirit, the American Journalism Online master’s program at NYU (AJO) presents “Journalism Crossroads,” a collection of digital profiles showcasing revolutionary new careers, pros who are redefining traditional roles, and the remembered experiences of veterans to provide us context from the past.

This “book,” if you will, is actually a dynamic website that draws inspiration from American writer and historian Studs Terkel’s “Working,” embracing the once-popular tradition of “as told to” journalism. We adopted this format to capture the authentic voices of media professionals across the country, allowing them to share their experiences in their own words. Through these personal narratives, we aim to highlight how these experts have not only adapted to changes but have also thrived, pushing the boundaries of how we tell and share stories.

AJO faculty and students built a site that explores the roles of the psychedelics beat, software engineers for digital newsrooms, podcasters, and even editors of graphic novels. The AJO program proudly gives these professionals a platform at a time when journalism stands at a crossroads. In turn, we hope their insights offer valuable roadmaps to our students, alumni, and anyone navigating the junction of “tradition” and “innovation.”

Welcome to a new era of journalism, where creativity, technology, and resilience converge to shape the news of tomorrow.

Where there’s chaos, there’s opportunity. Join us.

Prof. Adam Penenberg
Director, AJO

Revolutionary Careers


The digital revolution and recent social changes have created innovative ways to find and share stories — as well as scores of new jobs to support that storytelling. From sponsored-content writers to SEO specialists and DEI experts, hear from pioneers who’ve carved out unexpected career paths at the intersection of tech, new business, and calls for diversity.


Jennifer Cunningham, Clarissa Ward, David Plazas


A weatherman who uses augmented reality to immerse viewers in his forecasts. A publisher focusing on the experiences of Black travelers. These and other big-picture thinkers are shaking up traditional media jobs and reinventing them in thrilling ways — while keeping them just familiar enough for audiences to understand why they matter.



Remembering Experiences


Media veterans like a retired news cameraman, the creator of an influential comic strip, and others share their stories from the golden days of the business and what today’s cutting-edge jobs can learn from the triumphs and mistakes of the past.