Hamza Ruzayqat, KAUST, Saudi Arabia

Title: "Unbiased Estimation using the Underdamped Langevin Dynamics" Abstract: "In this talk, we look at sampling (unbiasedly) from probability measures that have non-negative Lebesgue density of the form $\pi(x) \propto exp(-U(x))$, with U being differentiable, via the underdamped Langevin dynamics,…

Laura Shou, University of Minnesota

Title: Eigenstates of quantized baker's map   Abstract: Quantized baker’s map is a model for quantum chaos on the torus. I will introduce the background and model, and then discuss applications of windowed spectral projection estimates to the eigenstates and…

Keith Ross, New York University Abu Dhabi

Title: Recent Advances in Deep Reinforcement Learning Abstract: Reinforcement learning is about learning to make sequential decisions through interactions with an environment. Traditional tabular reinforcement learning suffered from the curse of dimensionality and therefore was rarely employed in important applications.…

Maxime Ingremeau, Université Côte d’Azur

Title: Semiclassical evolution of Lagrangian states into random waves. Abstract: In 1977, Berry conjectured that eigenfunctions of the Laplacian on manifolds of negative curvature behave, in the high-energy (or semiclassical) limit, as a random superposition of plane waves. This conjecture,…

Yu Feng, Tsinghua University

Title: Multiple Ising interfaces and their relation to Dyson’s circular ensemble. Abstract: Conformal invariance of critical lattice models in two-dimensions has been vigorously studied for decades. In this talk, we focus on Ising model on planar domains with mixed plus/minus/free…

Hong Quan Tran, Université Paris Dauphine

Title: Information percolation and cutoff for the Glauber-Exclusion process.   Abstract: The Glauber-Exclusion process, an interacting particle system introduced by De Masi, Ferrari, and Lebowitz, is a superposition of a Glauber dynamics and the symmetric simple exclusion process (SSEP) on a…

Alexandros Eskenazis, Sorbonne University Paris

Title: Resilience of cube slicing in $\ell_p$   Abstract: We shall discuss the state of the art on the problem of identifying the volume maximizing and minimizing hyperplane sections of $p$-balls in $\mathbb{R}^n$. After explaining a reduction to a sharp probabilistic…

Roberto Fernandez, Utrecht University (Emer.) and NYU Shanghai

Title: High-temperature cluster expansion for quantum spin lattice systems Abstract: We develop a novel cluster expansion for finite-spin lattice systems subject to multi-body quantum —and, in particular, classical— interactions. Our approach is based on the use of the M ̈obius…

James Mingo, Queen’s University, Canada

Title: Infinitesimal Freeness Abstract: A universal rule for computing mixed moments of independent and unitarily invariant random matrices gives, in the large N limit, the rule for free independence. In the forty years since Voiculescu gave this rule many extensions…