Meeting 8: Week 4, Long day (Thursday February 20 2:40 – 5:20)

Week 4: Analog output, Sound, Servo motor


I have decided to change my grading method for two reasons:

  1. Respond to feedback on course evaluations requesting more immediate feedback on assignments
  2. Better align grading method with goal of experimentation


  • Weekly projects are graded on whether you do them and how well you document them, and not on whether they work. If your project doesn’t work, you must clearly explain what you intended to happen and what happened instead.
  • In addition to the midterm project and the final project, you will be given two practice projects which will be graded by the same rubric as the midterm and final.

Full details here. Note this is still somewhat tentative as I want to verify with some colleagues.


  • Schematics: Daniel, Alia
  • Analog output


  • Tone (File-Examples->Digital->ToneMelody)
    • Arrays
  • Servo (File-Examples->Servo->)
    • Knob
    • Sweep
      • for() loop
  • Why are analogWrite(), tone(), and servo.write() related?
    • This is why you can’t use analogWrite() to change the volume of the sound

Homework due February 25

Production Assignment
  • Make a musical instrument using tone AND one or more servos. You may also use any other components. 
  • Create a new folder in your Github repository called “february25”
  • In the new february24 folder add your program, schematic, photographs, and description as documented in the new grading policy
  • If you wish to learn more about avoiding delays:
  • If anyone wants feedback on their homework, please email me