Meeting 25: Week 13, Short day (Tuesday May 5 4:05 – 5:20)


Old announcement reminders

    • Record session
    • Out of respect for the holy month of Ramadan, no eating or drinking in class
    • Please keep your video on, unless there are issues of privacy. I need the feedback from your faces so that I know if I’m making sense or not.

End of semester virtual global showcase, only for those of you who are participating in the virtual global showcase

  • Initial submission deadline Friday May 8. You may make changes later, this initial entry is just to set things up
  • Here is a video on how to enter your project. If you can’t access the video on YouTube, there is a copy on google drive
  • The video mentions a Zoom link. Ignore this part as we are not participating in the Zoom segment
  • Enter your information in the projects database. Log in with your NYU credentials. 
  • You’ll associate your project with the venue “The Virtual Show Spring 2020” 
  • You will need to create an online site for your project (can be your Github site), submit a 30 second video about your project, and write a 250-300 word description so I suggest you start now
  • You may continue to edit and update your entry until the last minute, but you should have everything finalized by May 16.

New announcements

    • No computer vision due to problems with video library. Instead we will do sound and introduce a new concept: cellular automata


    • Student lead presentations:  Yoki and Andy
    • We will do course evaluations in class. You may do these on your own before class if you wish.

Look at Final Projects concepts

Time permitting:


  1. Install sound library
  2. Examples from Learning Processing chapter 20

Cellular Automatons

  1. Game of Life example