Meeting 20: Week 10, Long day (Thursday April 16 2:40 – 5:20)


  • Omar!

Guest Lecture

Professor Aaron Sherwood

I hope you enjoyed our guest lecture. Here are Aaron’s lecture notes, here is the example that he developed in class, and you can see all of his example here.  You can find a recording of the second half of Aaron’s lecture by logging in to, selecting this class, and then selecting “All my Zoom Meetings/Recordings” and then click the “Cloud Recordings” tab.h

Homework due Tuesday April 21

Experiment with Aaron’s example by making changes and see what you can discover. Write a description of your experiments and results, and try to explain why the changes you made resulted in what you observed.

The purpose of this is to get a better understanding of Aaron’s example. If you are struggling to understand Aaron’s program, first make small changes and try to understand what is happening.  If you have a good grasp of Aaron’s program, try to develop your own technique for experimenting with emergent patterns.

Homework due Thursday April 23

On Thursday we will start working with images. Watch the following Daniel Shiffman videos in preparation:

(You can find links to all the videos that accompany Professor Shiffman’s “Learning Processing” book here.  Chapter 15 is about images and pixels, so the book video 15-0 corresponds to the Youtube video 10.1, etc. This website which is a companion to his book is a great resource in general, and includes all the exercises and examples that you can download.)