Author Archives: Alyazia Alremeithi

Assignment 1: Turning an LED on with your upper arm!

The first thing that came to mind when trying to turn on the switch without using my hands was actually my feet. I initially wanted to make a Wizard of Oz kind of thing where you’d tap your shoes together to light up the LED, but in the Wizard of Oz she taps her feet three times and I’d had to have coded that to make it work.

I couldn’t think of anything else at the time so I started with getting the wires and everything ready for my first idea.

I removed the insulators from the ends of the wires

Added foil to one end

Built the circuit

After thinking it over I scrapped the idea of the shoes and I thought of incorporating what I already made into something that has to do with two people like some kind of friendship indicator. I stuck the aluminum foil on top of my upper arm and got a friend to stick another one onto and it worked!