- What’s the class about?
Digital computation beyond computers (sometimes called “physical computing”) considering humanistic needs in design and usability
Computers traditionally lacked knowledge of outside world beyond a keyboard, mouse
As artists and designers, we can explore new paradigms of interaction with machines and each other
Relatively easily and inexpensively explore creative computation through open source software and hardware
No background needed, strong DIY attitude
Low barrier to entry, high ceiling
- Who am I?
- Artist, maker, engineer, educator
- Interests: Metal, microcontrollers , machines (e.g. srl.org warning: some images may be disturbing)
- Robots: Telepresence, personality
- Questions: Robotic intentionality, research participation, who learns technology
- Who are you?
- Carlos Guedes’ wonderful Phobos, Orquestra Robótica Disfuncional (1 min)
- Sudhu Tewari’s Yasmin Electro Mechanical Sequencer
- List of inspirational movies collected by Barney Haynes (also here) and shown at his Interface classes.
- List collected by J.D. Zamfirescu
1.1. Basic robots
1.1.1. Tree-climbing robot
1.1.1. Insect robot
1.1.1. Treadbot
1.1. Installations
1.1.1. Murmur Wall
1.1.1. Floating Couch
1.1.1. Wooden Segment Mirror
1.1.1. Generative design
1.1. Art & Music bots
1.1.1. Textile weaving
1.1.1. Projection mapping
1.1.1. Laser harp
1.1.1. Arc-o-matic
1.1.1. Eggbot
1.1. Drink-makers
1.1.1. Textspresso
1.1. Computer Numerical Control (CNC)
1.1.1. Shapoko / tinyg
1.1.1. Makerbot Replicator
1.1. Vacuuming
1.1.1. Roomba - Golan Levin: Art that looks back at you
- Drawdio
- Claire Neel’s reactive eye
- Professor Aaron Sherwood’s Reactive Wall
- Digital Graffiti Wall
- Space Simulator
- Wind based jug organ
- Atmospheric Touch Lamp
- The Dipinator
- The Penis Wall
- Jitterbox
- Youtube DDR
- I Hand a Dream
- Review syllabus and other material, if you wish, on course website: https://wp.nyu.edu/abudhabi_im_intro
- If you did not request access to this room last semester to do so today: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSceQTn7jmNmIAvgEpJQwKjIezsKwuxA6esxtEPW2lNVZHt_dw/viewform