Meeting 3: Week 2, Short day (Tuesday February 4 4:05 – 5:20)




  • Look at projects
    • Remember the grading rubric from the syllabus:
      • Technical Operation 30%
      • Creativity 30%
      • Clear Interaction (if applicable) 30%
      • Above & beyond (10%)
      • (15% minus each day late)
  • Review voltage, current, resistance
  • Introduce power
    • Whenever current passes through a resistor, heat is generated


Instead of WordPress we will use Github for all assignments. You can find some resources here as well as elsewhere on the web.

  1. Create an account at I prefer that you use your name.
  2. Create a repository
    1. Name: “Introduction to Interactive Media”
    2. Description: “My repository for the my work for Intro to IM at NYU Abu Dhabi, Spring 2020”
    3. Make sure the box marked “Initialize this repository with a README” is checked
    4. Click the “Create repository” button
  3. Create a new file
    1. Name: dueFebruary4/
    2. Type the first line:
      1. **Here is the description of my hands free switch**
    3. Insert a blank line (by pressing “Enter”)
    4. Paste in the text 
    5. Click “Commit” at the bottom of the page
  4. Upload your images
    1. Click “Upload Files”
    2. Select or drag your files in
    3. Wait for upload to finish
    4. Click “Commit” at the bottom of the page
  5. Add images to text file
    1. Go back to dueFebruary4
    2. Click on handsFreeSwitch
    3. Click the edit (pencil) icon
    4. Where you want to include the image, type
      1. ![](myimage.jpg)
    5. Use a blank line to separate paragraphs
    6. Click “Commit” at the bottom of the page
    7. Verify that the images show up properly
  6. Add a link to the video
    1. Go back to dueFebruary4
    2. Click on handsFreeSwitch
    3. Click the edit (pencil) icon
    4. Where you want a link to the video, type
      1. And [here]( is my video
    5. Click “Commit” at the bottom of the page
    6. Verify link to video works properly

Assignments due Thursday February 6

  1. In the dueFebruary4 folder in your Github account, create another new file
    1. Name:
    2. **Interactive Observation**
    3. Paste in the text that you wrote
    4. Adjacent lines will be joined to form a paragraph
    5. To start a new paragraph put in a blank line
  2. Read the following
    1. Read Digital Input & Output
    2. Read Microcontrollers, the basics
  3. Email to me the link to your Github repository. This is the name of your account plus the name of your repository, e.g.