Reading Response (Bret Victor’s Rant on the Future of Interactive Design)

While reading Victor’s rant I could only think of one thing – how is this not the popular opinion in the word? Whatever he said made complete sense! Our hands are our most used tools and we have started moving towards developing new technology without even thinking about how our hands would interact with these new technologies. I keep reading a lot of articles about User Interface design and they all stress on focusing on the user and how the user would react to the product (here, the mobile application). But they always talk from a psychological perspective and never from a tactile perspective. They do mention that everyday movements should be mimicked in the app’s on-screen responses so that using it feels more natural however nobody talks about how our hands would react to these responses when our hands are communicating with this app as much as our brain, if not more. 

Another point that the reading raised for me was how we are already trying to create an entity that mimics our potentials and skills (robots) and whose basic structure is based on or bodies and minds when we still haven’t exhausted using the tools provided by our body to their full potential. He also talks about this in his response where he mentions that we have already started to give up on our bodies and it is not long before we will have a computer/machine to mediate all our daily activities. This is a problematic situation in my opinion.

One counter-argument can be that there is no harm in exploring other avenues of technological development while working on older avenues. However, the problem here seems to be that we have entirely stopped exploring these old avenues just because of the much higher levels of excitement and potential growth in these new avenues. We have stopped seeing the older fields as a space for innovation and that is where we have gone wrong because there are so much unused potential that needs to be tapped. 

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