Week Four Reading Responses

The Art of Interactive Design by Chris Crawford

I found this reading very timely, considering that the first homework we did indicated that we had to observe some form of interaction. When I first read this prompt it confused me. I remember sitting in my living room wondering what interaction meant. Crawford places emphasis on the two communicants having “blood” assuming that both interacting parts have to be organic. Though he goes on to speak about the components of interaction being thinking, communication and the like,  I find that the “organic” component of interaction isn’t the case. I agree that there are degrees to interaction but I feel that the line between interactivity and reactivity is blurred and cannot be wholistically defined as two separate phenomena.

The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman

What interested me about this reading was the balance between the efficiency or the utilitarian aspect of design and the aesthetic of the object. Don Norman speaks of the importance of the experience of the object and I believe that aesthetic is the frontier for the saying that “first impressions last.” Aesthetics and packaging will get you to buy the object in the first place. Almost everyone would choose and have a more pleasant interaction prettier speakers than average-looking ones. I wonder how difficult it is to find a good balance between form and function. One example that I can think of is the use of labels. Labels make it much easier to understand how an object operates and how to operate that object, however,  modern society has a tendency to gravitate towards a more minimalist design. Obviously, labels aren’t what would be “minimalistic” so in this case, I feel like form would take priority over function. However, I know that many would prefer their objects to be labeled rather than looking pretty. In this case, I think that the target audience should be especially scrutinised. However, if the object were for public use, I think that function would take priority over form.

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About map938

Hello! My name is Quim Paredes and I’m a first-year student in New York University Abu Dhabi. I hope to major in Art History and Practice and minor in Interactive Media and Design. I’m most comfortable creating art pieces with a pen and ink or acrylic paint on canvas and prefer creating pieces in the imaginary realm. Some of the key aspects of most of my pieces are bright, bold colors and striking outlines. In my Types of Art class, I hope to add another form of media to my art repertoire and discover the importance of fonts and typography in our everyday life.

2 thoughts on “Week Four Reading Responses

    1. map938 Post author

      Dear Professor Shiloh,

      I’m so sorry for the late response! The notification got buried under other emails. I tried updating the files again, hopefully they’re there this time. If they aren’t, is it alright if I just email them to you?

      Thank you,



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