The Art of Innovation – Manesha

The Author spends the first chapter defining Interactivity. In summary he says that Interaction has to be a two sided three step process which includes thinking, listening and speaking.  I like that the definition for this has been narrowed down to include these conditions. However, based on his argument there is nothing that proves that it is true. All his example are based on the premise that the definition is true.

For the sake of argument, let’s say that this is the correct definition. He also argues that interaction could be a spectrum with several levels. Although it is possible to casually say that one thing is more interactive than the other. I am confused as to how you can quantify this based on the three requirements  – thinking, speaking and listening. 

Although the author mentions that all of them should be on an equal level, that is not always the case. Is it possible to develop this idea by providing sub-categorizations of interaction based on these three modes. 

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