Design of Everyday Things Reflection (Diya)

The first chapter of this book deals with a lot of different elements related to design. However, the one thing that stuck out for me was the point about engineers and designers working in isolation to create one product. While the engineers only think about how to make the product work, the designers think about how to make the product look good aesthetically. However, it is interesting to see that not a lot of times these two groups come together to create a product that integrates design in its working. It sounds so simple – one just needs to create a symbol that can be easily interpreted by everyone who is using the product. The designers can make this symbol look aesthetically pleasing and the engineers can work on the back-end of it to ensure that it works Ince in the hands of the users. However, this is actually very difficult. Since reading this chapter, I have started observing things around me that have a balanced form and function ratio but I unfortunately haven’t been able to find many. Most products need us to spend a significant amount of time trying to figure out what it is supposed to do first and then figure out how to make it do that. The most recent example is the dryers in the student laundry rooms. The only thing listed on them are a few different settings like “iron dry” and “cupboard dry” which would obviously not mean the same thing to everyone. There is no indication of how much time it will take, what temperature it would. dry the clothes at, etc. This make the simple process of drying clothes extremely frustrating and I can see what Don Norman is trying to convey here. 

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