Project 1_Handless switch


  • battery (Arduino)
  • light bulb
  • resistor
  • piezos
  • 2 drinking bottled or something tall to use as stands for the wires
  • wires

Idea: The light bulb is switched on when the 2 piezos are blown against each other.

Image 1 shows a trial of setting up a basic series circuit and touching the piezos (closing the switch) to test the connection between them and the wires.

Image 2 shows the whole circuit with the wires wrapped around the stands to secure them above the table. The goal was to leave enough length of wire for the piezos to move but at the same time secure them tight enough so they don’t become floppy. This length was quite hard to find as the wires always wanted to fall. Once the circuit was completed, I tested whether the current flows through when the switch is closed.

It was hard to get the piezos to touch and the connection was unreliable, but it worked. (Yey!) The only limitation of the circuit is that the piezos have to be fairly close to each other to start with, otherwise the switch can’t be closed at all.

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