Week 1 Li: Bee and Flower Switch

I started by making a simple circuit with two loose wires. My idea was to make the switch work using the blow of air. I took two foam pieces, wrapped them in aluminum foil, and it actually worked: the light went on when the pieces touched and went off when I held them apart.  However, they were too heavy to be moved by air. So, I replaced the foam completely by two aluminum foil sheets taped to the wires, but then they were so light that both pieces flew away. Eventually, I kept one of the ends heavy, and the other one light, and connected the light end to a sturdy wire. This way, the switch was on in its natural state, but went off when there is air pressure applied to it. Somehow, this reminded me of a bee flying onto a flower and being blown away by the wind, so I drew this and taped it to the ends as decoration.


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