Earring-Cuffs Simple Switch

I was intimidated by the project at first, not having had practice with circuits of any kind before. Of course, there was also the creative aspect of the project but for the life of me, I couldn’t think of a creative way to make a switch without using my hands. Then it occurred to me that my earrings are made of metal.

With this thought in mind, I created a simple circuit first, without the earrings, but in such a way that there would be two wires that connected to the resistor and the ground wires respectively. Once I knew the circuit worked with the two extra wires, I tried to tape the ends to my earrings and attached my earrings together. However, no matter how much I tried, the LED would not light up. I realized that there might be an issue with my earrings themselves. It is possible that they’re either coated with a non-metal or not completely made of metal. 

With this in mind, I tried another approach, I used the naked wire for sculpting and wrapped it around my earrings. When I did this and made the two earrings touch the LED finally lit up. I’ll have to be more careful about the materials I used in my circuit in the future.



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About map938

Hello! My name is Quim Paredes and I’m a first-year student in New York University Abu Dhabi. I hope to major in Art History and Practice and minor in Interactive Media and Design. I’m most comfortable creating art pieces with a pen and ink or acrylic paint on canvas and prefer creating pieces in the imaginary realm. Some of the key aspects of most of my pieces are bright, bold colors and striking outlines. In my Types of Art class, I hope to add another form of media to my art repertoire and discover the importance of fonts and typography in our everyday life.

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