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[41] F. de la Hoz, Z. Hassainia, T. Hmidi, J. Mateu, An analytical and numerical study of steady patches in the disc.
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[43] T. Hmidi, J. Mateu, Existence of corotating and counter-rotating vortex pairs for active scalar equations.
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[45] T. Hmidi, C. Renault, Existence of small loops in a bifurcation diagram near degenerate eigenvalues.
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[47] T. Hmidi, D. Li, Dynamics of one fold symmetric patches for the aggregation equation and collapse to singular measure.
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[48] C. Garcia, T. Hmidi, J. Soler, Non uniform rotating vortices and periodic orbits for the two dimensional Euler Equations,
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[49] Z. Hassainia, T. Hmidi, Steady asymmetric vortex pairs for Euler equations.
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[50] C. Garcia, T. Hmid, J. Mateu, Time periodic solutions for 3D quasi-geostrophic model.
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[51] K. Ammari, T. Hmidi, Ergodicity e ects on transport-di usion equations with localized damping,
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[52] T. Hmidi, E. Roulley, Time quasi-periodic vortex patches for quasi-geostrophic shallow-water equations.
To appear in Mémoires de la SMF.
[53] Z. Hassainia, T. Hmidi, N. Masmoudi, KAM theory for active scalar equations.
T0 appear in Memoires of AMS.
[54] T. Hmidi, H. Houamed, M. Zerguine, Rigidity aspects of singular patches in stratified flows.
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[55] T. Hmidi, L. Xue, Z. Xue, Emergence of time periodic solutions for the generalized surface quasi-geostrophic equation in the disc.
J. Funct. Anal. 285 (2023), no. 10, Paper No. 110142,61 pp.
[56] C. García, T. Hmidi, J. Mateu, Time periodic doubly connected solutions for the 3D quasigeostrophic model.
SIAM J. Math. Anal. 55 (2023), no. 6, 6133–6193.
[57] C. García, T. Hmidi, J. Mateu, Time Periodic Solutions Close to Localized Radial Monotone Profiles for the 2D Euler Equations. Ann. PDE 10 (2024), no. 1, Paper No. 1.
[58] T. Hmidi, Z. Hassainia, E. Roulley, Invariant KAM tori around annular vortex patches for 2D Euler equations,
To apper in Comm. Math. Phys.
[59] Taoufik Hmidi, Liutang Xue, Zhilong Xue, Unified theory on V-states structures for active scalar equations.
arXiv :2312.02874.
[60] Zineb Hassainia, Taoufik Hmidi, Nader Masmoudi, Rigorous derivation of the leapfrogging motion for planar Euler equations. arXiv :2311.15765
[61] Taoufik Hmidi, Haroune Houamed, Emeric Roulley, Mohamed Zerguine. Uniformly rotating vortices for the lake equation. arXiv :2401.142734
[62] Zineb Hassainia, Taoufik Hmidi, Emeric Roulley, Desingularization of time-periodic vortex motion in bounded domains via KAM tools. arXiv:2408.16671