The following websites are a good starting point.
Include in your case study presentation:
- Introduction
- Data collected: interviews, observations, questionnaires, etc.
- Results: Description of what you found through your investigation.
- Discussion: Explanation of the significance of the study and what can be learnt from it. Invite the audience to participate in the discussion. Maybe propose a question.
- Conclusion: Sum up the main points from the findings and discussion.
Designing a presentation
Reduce the amount of slides (thumb-rule: 1 slide per 1 minute. If you have a 15 minutes presentation slot you should not have more then 15 slides including title and imprint.)
Structure your presentation (Introduction, Mainpart, Conclusion)
Less is more (use an unobtrusive template design, see below).
No visual twaddle: Practice design – not decoration.
If you show a picture, show it big.
Show infographics that are understandable and contain actual information.
Never stretch a font. It is all about readability – Typography rules!
Never use more than two typefaces.
Reduce bullet-point lists where possible.
Do not use acronyms.
Remember Conway’s Law…
Use visual effects or transitions between slides only if really necessary – and if so, use it only ONCE.
Giving the presentation
Know your software
Know your hardware
Use slides as visual backdrop
Name your colleagues and other sources
There is a Google Slides template here.