The discussion under the chapter Made to be wasted: PET and topologies of disposability of the book Accumulation: The Material Politics of Plastic by Jennifer Gabrys is a good roundup of not just PET, but plastics overall life cycle and analysis of trends across time. I am 21 and its easy for me to forget…
Guest Speaker Adele Foucart
Hearing from the co-founder of Precious Plastics Shanghai was illuminating to see how intertwined technology, arts, and social impact can be. For the founders of PP Shanghai, this now-business started as a self-funded side project, but has now grown into a business funded by community workshops for the generation of funding. This developed through an…
Initial impressions of precious plastics
I first became aware of the precious plastics movement when Felix Beck introduced it and gave a tour of the lab two years back. Ever since hearing about the movement, I was questioning the precious plastics movement’s impact. A simple way to see the tangible returns is to see the activities the movement is engaged…
Ali AlDhanhani: Adele Foucart
Being joined by Adele Foucart, one of the founders of Precious Plastic Shanghai was an inspiring experience. Her journey, decorated with perseverance and hard work, is one to learn from. Adele is passionate about waste management which showed in the way she initially founded her business and is still evident when giving her talk. It…
Maxim Blinov. Blog about guest speaker: Adele Foucart
Today we had a speaker who is a co-founder of Precious Plastic Shaghai: Adele Foucart. She has explained us what they do in very much detail showing us videos from various events they took part in. They have worked with several different companies such as Adidas, BMW, ZARA NYUSH and etc. All of this hard…
Pangna Sun – Guest Speaker: Adele Foucart
I learned a lot about the recycling process of plastics from Adele Foucart’s talk about her Precious Plastic Shanghai project. Like Vouloudis’, her project also showcases the discussion we have been having from the film Bag It: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing…
Hamad – Adele / May 25
There are a handful of important things I feel like I have learned from adeles presentation about the company she founded, precious plastics. The idea of the business is very interesting and ethically and morally strong. She introduced to us the fact that shanghai is full of disposed plastics that end up getting disposed of…
Mohammed Arham – Thoughts on Adele Hatha’s talk
Adele Hatha is the cofounder of the start-up called “Precious Plastic Shanghai”, whose goal is to provide solutions and educate the public about the issue of plastic waste management. I found her talk and presentation to be enlightening, particularly about the various uses of plastic that has been thrown away. For example, she showed how…
Fanisi – A Look into Precious Plastics Shanghai
It was a real pleasure meeting Ms. Adele and learning about her work with Precious Plastics Shanghai. I found it very cool that she was able to turn her plastic recycling hobby into an interactive educational resource for organisations across Shanghai. It is quite a unique business model that they have managed to…
Ward – Adele Foucart
I found Adele Foucart’s presentation so inspiring because it was living proof that one person can make a difference. Seeing a problem in how something is done and taking action, especially if it is something so big like plastic waste, is a very hard thing to get motivated to do but she wasn’t alone and…
Ari Almansoori- Guest Speaker: Adele Foucart
Adele Foucart, co-founder of Precious Plastic Shanghai, was the guest speaker today. She gave an interesting talk about her experience with Precious Plastic Shanghai, from its beginnings as a side event to its current status as a full-fledged corporation. This reminds me of the Margaret Mead quote that was introduced to us earlier in the…
Relfection on Adele’s Foucart
This was, in a way, a very heartwarming talk. It showed that a small group of people can indeed start with small changes if they are dedicated to, as Precious Plastic Shangai showed, which can lead to very creative and fun solutions to the . The way the group started seemed humble enough for this…