Today we had a speaker who is a co-founder of Precious Plastic Shaghai: Adele Foucart. She has explained us what they do in very much detail showing us videos from various events they took part in. They have worked with several different companies such as Adidas, BMW, ZARA NYUSH and etc. All of this hard work origins in 2016 when they saw the precious plastic machines video and they decided to create these machines themselves. Many months they were trying to make the grinder to work but there was an issue with torque. As soon as they changed from motor power to bicycle power, they got enough torque to make the machine work and continue on their progress. What I have learned from Adele is the whole process of how precious plastic works and taht in China there is a lot of plastic waste, hence that is the reason why they started with this project. Another thing that I have learned is that precious plastic is a great way to raise awareness about plastic waste. Fun fact: The photo which was published everywhere (Marcela and Adele) had a non-working prototype
Marcela Godoy says
also we are putting an entire bottle in the shredder which is terrible because we are mixing the PET, the sticker, and the cap. All of them different types of plastics!