Business Intelligence Capability Development

This placeholder document provides an update on background, the current state, and plans for the development of the Business Development capability. Approach Leverage existing SLIP phase 1 work and Steinhardt Deans Dashboard and Departmental Metrics report to design a reusable set of assets for School level and functional unit level leadership team members. Develop a […]

This placeholder document provides an update on background, the current state, and plans for the development of the Business Development capability.


  • Leverage existing SLIP phase 1 work and Steinhardt Deans Dashboard and Departmental Metrics report to design a reusable set of assets for School level and functional unit level leadership team members.
  • Develop a data and training strategy to support local report development needs by leveraging certified data sets managed by the central team

High-Level Information Architecture

Score Cards

  • Presidential Priorities
  • Dean’s Priorities
  • Department Chair’s Priorities
  • Functional Unit Owner’s Priorities

5 Main Subject Areas

  • University/school
  • Student
  • Faculty/Researcher
  • Staff/Administrator
  • Alumni

4 Topics

  • Demographics
  • Success
  • University Life Experience
  • Other Matters

Guiding Principles

  • Simplified User Experience
  • Partnership
  • Self-service BI Enablement
  • Iterative Release

Information Delivery Workflow

Information Delivery Workflow

BI Solution Consumers (Managerial)

  • Analyze information
  • Act on information
  • Self-service when desired, supported service when required

Business Data Analysts (Analytical)

  • Partner with IT service providers to build standardized reports or guided analysis for common questions
  • Provide answers and analysis for unique questions
    • We need to formally recognize and staff this role

IT BI Solution Developers (Operational)

  • Provide technical infrastructure
  • Provide hosting services
  • Provide report development services
  • Publish production reports for the broad community

Data Analyst Support

  1. Establish a reporting governance structure, including the identification of organizational responsibilities, roles, membership, process, and communication plan. Initial work will be to provide governance for the creation of school-level Dean’s Dashboard Reports
  2. Establish job criteria for data analyst role, training requirements and system/data access
  3. Develop and publish certified critical data sets through database views, APIs or Tableau server
  4. Provide sandbox environment to the Data Analysts to support ad hoc queries and report prototyping efforts
  5. Formalize the report publishing process in the shared environment to implement checkpoints for production reports

Consumer-Driven Approach

Customer Driven Approach

People who provide services, such as processing and customer service, care about day to day operations. This is provided to them through standardized reporting based on common questions and answers.

People who manage things such as people, money, and projects, care about day to day operations and oversight and strategy. The former is provided in the same way: standardized reporting based on common questions and answers. The latter is achieved in three ways:

  1. Standardized reporting based on common questions and answers
  2. Guided analysis based on common questions and unique answers
  3. Support for ad-hoc query based on unique questions